SCDU Online Summer Debate Workshop

2023 — Online, CA/US

Sample Daily Agenda and Workshop Tournament


2023 Summer SCDU Middle/High School Debate Workshop

(Classes may be divided into intermediate/novice depending on enrollment. Debate formats may share some lectures but not topic discussions)

Day 1 9:00am Orientation and Program Logistics

10:30 Fundamentals of Public PolicyOptions

10:30 Fundamentals of Value Debate

11:30 Intro to DebateFormats(Parliamentary/Policy/LD/Public Forum groups)

2:00pm Debate Theory and Fundamentals

3:00 Demonstration Debates

5:00 Critique of Demo Rounds

Day 2 9:00 am Lab Meetings (PF/LD/Policy)

10:00 Stock Negative Strategies

11:00 Generic Disadvantages and Counterplans

1:00 pm Economics andCompetitive Debate

2:00pm Case Construction and Design

3:00 pm Topicality and Procedural Arguments

Days 3 and 4

9:00 Labs Meet (PF/LD/Policy)

10:00 Solvency and Fiat

11:00 Kritiks and Alternative Frameworks

1:30 Practice Rounds

2:30 Critique of Practice Rounds

3:30 Lab Meetings (PF/LD/Policy)

3:30 Parliamentary Practice Rounds

Saturday- Sunday Workshop Tournament

9:00 Online Check In

9:30 Round 1

10:30 Round 2

Noon. Round 3

1:00 Round 4

2:30 Round 5

4:00 Round 6


9:30. Elim 1

11:30 Elim 2

1:30 Elim 3

4:00 Awards