2nd Kansas City Missouri Invitational TOC and NIETOC Qualifier

2023 — NSDA Campus, MO/US


6.0 Schedules 6.1 Important Notes

The following schedules reflect the maximum number of rounds possible. As the season progresses and entries are received, the schedule will be finalized.

The tournament may take place over 3 days (Fri/Sat/Sun).

Exact prelim and elim numbers will depend on the total number of teams in a division.

All times are CST

See the notes column in the schedule document for more information.

Schedules for all events are viewable here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AvxcD8fRhx-nIuNzyXg-Z8okRcX-0Bkl/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114421488805484997221&rtpof=true&sd=true