Tournament of Champions
2023 — Lexington, KY/US
At-Large Applications (Closed)
The at-large application is closed! (updated 3.14.23)
At-large applications for the 2023 TOC are due by Monday, March 13, 2023. All submissions must adhere to the following guidelines:
- This form must be completed by an adult coach or adviser
- A separate form must be submitted for each at-large entry
- At-large entries must be registered on Tabroom prior to submission
- For all Speech events, entries with 0 or 1 bid this season are eligible to apply
- For all Debate events, only entries with 1 bid this season are eligible to apply
After review by the respective TOC advisory committees, accepted at-large entries will be announced by Friday, March 24, 2023, along with a wait list. Wait-listed applicants will be contacted, in order of precedence, if space allows.