Midland Legacy UIL Academic and TFA Speech CANCELLED


Schedule of events

Rebel UIL/TFA Combo Schedule

Midland Legacy UIL Academic and TFA Speech Invitational Master Schedule

7:00AM Registration

8:00AM Congress Session 1

8:30AM Extemp Draw Fx & Persuasive

9:00AM Literary Criticism

9:00AM CX/LD/PF Round1

9:00AM Ready Writing

9:00AM Pattern A (DI,Duet,Info,Poe,Imp)

9:00AM Number Sense

10:00AM Calculator Applications

10:30AM Extemp Dx & Informative

11:00AM Pattern B (HI,DUO,POI,Pro,OO)

11:30AM CX/LD/PF Round2

12:00PM Accounting

12:00PM Copy Editing

12:00PM Spelling

12:30PM Extemp Fx & Persuasive Semis

12:30PM Congress Session 2

1:00PM News Writing

1:00PM Pattern A (DI,Duet,Info,Poe,Imp) Semis

2:00PM CX/LD/PF Round3

2:30PM Feature Writing

2:30PM Social Studies

2:30PM Extemp Dx & Informative Semis

3:00PM Pattern B (HI,DUO,POI,Pro,OO) Semis

3:30PM Mathematics

4:30PM CX/LD Quarters & PF Semis

4:30PM Congress Finals

4:30PM Editorial Writing

4:30PM Extemp Fx & Persuasive Finals

5:00 PM Pattern A (DI, Duet, Info, Poe, Imp) Finals

5:00 PM Science

5:00 PM Current Events

6:00 PM Headline Writing

6:30 PM CX/LD Semis & PFFinals

6:30 PM Extemp Dx & Informative Finals

7:00 PM Pattern B (HI, DUO, POI, Pro, OO) Finals

8:00 PM CX/LD Finals