Lampasas Full UIL Academic Badger Brawl
2022 — Lampasas, TX/US
Academic Contest Schedule
***Rounds will not be delayed due to cross entries. Students cross-enter at their own risk.***
7:00 – 8:00AM Registration
7:30 Computer Applications (set up)
8:00 Computer Applications
8:15 Copy Editing
9:00 Current Issues and Events
Ready Writing
Number Sense
New Writing
Computer Science (written only)
9:30 Calculator Apps
10:15 Feature Writing
10:30 Literary Criticism
11:00 Science
Social Studies
11:45 Editorial Writing
1:00 Headline Writing
Speech and Debate schedule
7:00-8:00AM Registration
8:00 Extemp Draw
8:30 Extemp Prelim Round I
9:30 Congress Session One**
CX Round I
LD Round I
Prose and Poetry Round I-Cat A
10:30 Extemp Draw
11:00 Extemp Prelim Round II
12:30 Congress Session Two**CX Round II
LD Round II
Prose and Poetry Round II-Cat B
2:00 Extemp Finals
3:00 Congress Finals** (two hours max)
CX Round III
LD Round III
Prose & Poetry Finals - RC
**Schools with congress entries are welcome to email preferred legislation to - if legislation is received by October 15, 2022, it will be included in the possible docket. I will send a copy of the complete docket to registered schools by Monday, Oct. 31st. If less than 10 pieces of legislation are received, the remaining legislation will come from the UIL Region 12 docket.