2022 — CA/US


Tab Location: Media Center

Judges Room: Media Center


This tournament is open to all teams in the SDIVSL. Competitors must have been first-year speakers in 2021-22, or will be new speakers in 2022-23. 

Unlike League tournaments, coaches will not be required to fulfill a tab duty. However, there must be a school-approved adult present to help team members, and to serve as a contact for the tournament directors. Coaches are able to serve as judges for their team while fulfilling this supervisory duty. (Please ensure that coach contact information is updated on the team's tabroom account.)


Entry / Drop Deadlines: The entry deadline is Monday, May 2 at 5:00 pm. Drops are permitted until Wednesday, May 4 at 5:00 pm. You will not be refunded for drops after this date.


Entry Fees: The Entry Fee for all events is $6. Duo entries are $12 per team. Make checks payable to Helix Speech & Debate


Judging Requirements: Schools must supply one judge for every 4 entries. Judges will be asked to judge both IEs and Debate. 3rd and 4th year competitors are eligible to judge.


Entry limits: Students can enter one debate event, and up to two IEs (including those entered in Extemp). Those double-entered in Extemp will be accommodated to the best of our ability; however, it is the competitor's responsibility to communicate with the judge in their other event.  


LD Topic: This tournament will use the March/April LD topic

Resolved: In a democracy, a free press ought to prioritize objectivity over advocacy.


PF Topic: This tournament will use the April PF topic. 

Resolved: Japan should revise Article 9 of its Constitution to develop offensive military capabilities.



Experienced Varsity Congress students are invited to compete as POs. There is no charge for the entry, and no judging obligation. If there are more students entered than needed to preside, the tournament director reserves the right to determine which students will be used. 


Break Rounds: In speech events with more than 28 entries, there will be two preliminary rounds, and the top 14 will break to semi-finals. For speech events with 28 or fewer entries, there will be 3 prelim rounds. The top 7 will break to finals in all events. 

In Congress, if there are more than 60 entries, the top 30 will break to semi-finals after 2 preliminary rounds. If there are 60 or fewer entries, there will be 3 prelim rounds. The top 15 will break to finals. 

In Lincoln Douglas, Parli, and PF,  debaters with 3+ wins after 4 rounds will break to a 5th Round. 1st-8th Place will be determined based on wins and tiebreakers. This tournament will follow SDIVSL Tiebreaker Guidelines.

Sweepstakes: Sweepstakes will be awarded to the top 3 overall scoring teams.

We will use the CHSSA Sweepstakes point system.