Tarheel Forensic League State Championship
Pinecrest HS, Southern Pines,
Protest and Equity Forms
Coaches wishing to file a protest should click this link. All protests must be filed by a coach-of-record and must cite the specific violation from the TFL Tournament manual or the appropriate rules manual that is referenced in the TFL manual. Protests will be ruled on by three uninvolved TFL Committee members chaired by the TFL Vice Chair.
Coaches or students with an equity concern should click this link. All equity concerns will be reviewed and ruled on by a respected equity officer or team appointed by TFL.
The TFL prohibits all forms of harassment and discrimination. Accordingly, all forms of harassment and discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, citizenship, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by any applicable federal, state, or local law are prohibited, whether committed by participants, judges, coaches, volunteers, and/or observers.