East Kansas District Tournament
2021 — KS/US
East Kansas District Qualifier
for the 2022 National Tournament
IE/LD/PF Structure and Judge Info
Judge Quota
All schools must have 1 judge per 3 entries available throughout the tournament. Judges can fill a partial obligation (just use the Shifts to indicate availability) but you must be completely covered during all rounds.
You do have the ability to mark any judges who are "neutral" - i.e., they could judge students from your school. Particularly if you have a fairly large entry, the more neutral judges you can provide, the better.
Competition Format
LD/PF - 4 prelim rounds, then all 3-1 or better advance to a double elimination bracket.
IE - 4 prelim rounds with 2 judges each. The minimum number to break in each event will be 33% of the pool who competes in Round 1, plus anyone tied in rank with the last entry who must break. Depending on the number who break, this may result in semifinals, finals, or (unlikely) quarterfinals as the first elim in each event.
In IEs, students should endeavor to perform in order when possible, and must perform in order in Extemp. A non-extemp room should not wait for an absent competitor and may advance to the next person who is present.