FGCCFL November Tournament
2021 — Tampa, FL/US
Congress Requirements
All schools with Student Congress entries must submit at least one satisfactory bills/resolutions (B/R) for consideration for the docket. Up to six B/R may be submitted for consideration. All Congress entries will be waitlisted until satisfactory legislation from their school has been submitted and confirmed.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Legislation must be written using the templates on the FGCCFL website, saved in Microsoft Word (.docx) format, and uploaded to Tabroom no later than 9:00 p.m. on the Thursday before Tournament Week. The legislation will be reviewed, and a docket of 8-12 B/R will be published on the Friday evening before Tournament Week. All chambers will use the same docket.
ADVANCE REVIEW: Coaches only may request advance review of their legislation by emailing it to Josh Schneider <josh@fgccfl.net>. Please send the document as an attachment, NOT as a link to cloud storage. Allow 48 hours for a response.
PRESIDING OFFICERS: Coaches may designate any or all of their Congress entries as Presiding Officer nominees by editing the entry and marking the appropriate box on Tabroom.
PARLIAMENTARIANS: Schools with judges who are qualified to serve as parliamentarians should indicate this by checking the “Qualified Parliamentarian” box. Coaches will be assigned as parliamentarians if necessary.