Copper Classic

2016 — UT/US

Congress Docket

Congress Session 1

A Bill to fund the mining of asteroids

A Bill to halt civil asset forfeiture abuse

A bill to discourage export tourism*

A bill to end civil commitment for sex offenders*

Congress Session 2

A Bill to reduce crude oil restrictions 

A bill to send ground troops to Ukraine

A Resolution to Reduce Carbon Emissions through Establishing a National Renewable Portfolio Standard 

A bill to promote computer coding requirements in school*

A resoultion to stop the clean power plan*

Congress Session 3

A bill to protect military assault victims

A Resolution Amending Constitution to repeal 17th Amendment

A Resolution to Send Aid to Puerto Rico

A bill to require assertive community treatment for Veterans in crisis*

A resolution to amend the constitution to regulate campaign finance

Congress Finals

A resolution to amend the constitution to allow for sensible gun ownership*

A resolution to keep Iran from the Syrian table*

A bill to return overtime pay to American workers*

A Bill to prevent medial professionals from discriminating*

A bill to protect privacy on electronic networks*


* These Bills are from the NSDA and are available on tabroom, all others are available on the UDCA website.