Michigan State Spartanvitational

2021 — NSDA Campus, MI/US

Pre-Spartanvitational Workshop

Although everything is virtual this year, the members of Spartan Speech still want to be as involved with the students as possible. With that, we decided that we would continue the tradition of offering a pre-tournament workshop the night before the tournament. This workshop is an opportunity for students competing at the Spartanvitational to have a one-on-one coaching/advising session with a Spartan Speech member. Our goal is to give students a chance to make connections with forensics alumni and get new eyes on their speech before competing. Please share this Zoom invite with your students. This is an ongoing service that Spartan Speech will be offering through the end of the 2021 season, where students will be able to sign up for coaching on our website (http://spartan4n6.com/) and select which member to see. More information on this service will come following the Spartanvitational. 


Karah Tanski is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom Meeting

Topic: Pre-Spartanvitational Workshop

Time:  Feb 19, 2021, 07:30 PM - 09: 30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Direct Link: https://msu.zoom.us/j/96282257674?pwd=YVhhN05xNXVBTGtjbGhXN2o4MHozUT09 

Meeting ID: 962 8225 7674

Passcode: MSU4n6