Isidore Newman School Invitational
2020 — NSDA Campus, LA/US
School Verification Form
In order the attend the Newman Invitational and in accordance with our policy regarding independent entries, ALL teams attending the Newman Invitational must submit a School Verification Form. Those who do not comply will be dropped from the tournament. The form must contain the exact text that appears on the downloadable template, be on school letterhead, be dated and signed by a school administrator, and be scanned and uploaded to our tabroom site by Friday, December 4 at 3 pm. Please let us know if you have any questions.
A template has been provided. You can download it (Word doc), copy and paste it into another document to facilitate printing on letterhead. Then print and get signed, scanned, and reuploaded.
In order to complete this:
1. After logging in to tabroom, click on the name of this tournament from the list of "existing registrations"
2. Click the “General” tab
3. To the right of the screen, you will see “School Verification Form” in the section for "School Entry Forms"
4. Click the down arrow to download the template
5. Copy and paste that exact language onto your school’s official letterhead and have a school administrator sign it
6. Upload the signed form (PDF format, please) to the same location from which you downloaded it