Lexington Winter Invitational
2018 — Lexington, MA/US
Welcome to the Lexington Winter Invitational!
We will be pleased to host you in Lexington MA on Jan. 13 - 15, 2018. As has been true for the past several years, the entire tournament will begin bright and early on Saturday morning (Jan. 13). The PF and LD divisions will finish on Sunday Jan. 14, and the late policy elims will finish on Monday Jan. 15. We would love to have you join us!
Changes for This Year:
1) We have added a Novice Division of PF.
2) We have lowered the Varsity Policy Entry Fee.
3) We had added a sixth prelim to Novice LD (with a break to Octos) and will have six prelims in Novice PF (with a break to Octos).
4) We are no longer able to offer housing.
5) We have hotel blocks in three different properties. Online links are listed here, telephone numbers in the invitation accessible by pushing the "Green Button."
Here is the reservation link your guests can use to make online reservations for the Burlington Marriott:
Book your group rate for Lexington High School Debate Room block
And here is the reservation link for the Aloft and Element:
To obtain access to real time reporting 24/7, or to enter your own rooming lists & obtain immediate confirmation numbers,
simply enter the password (2296663A) in "Event Planner Login" link on your personalized website or at:
Good Things We are Keeping the Same:
1) Free food for adult coaches and judges all weekend.
2) Free lunch and dinner for all students on Saturday and free lunch on Sunday (several options for each meal), plus free pizza brought in from local establishments for anyone still with us on Sunday evening.
3) Excellent and diverse judging and competition.
4) TOC Qualifier at the Quarterfinal level in Policy, LD and PF.
5) All Online Ballots All the Time
Please do not look at our stand-alone website at the moment for current information -- I have not yet had the chance to update it, but did not want to delay opening the tournament. Both this page and the invitation accessible by pushing the green button on this page are current. Thanks!