Longhorn Classic at the University of Texas Austin
2017 — TX/US
Dear Director of Forensics:
The University of Texas speech & debate programs invite you and your students to attend the 21st Annual Longhorn Classic Tournament to be held on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin on December 1 & 2, 2017.
In keeping with our commitment to a well-rounded forensics education, we will offer students the opportunity to compete in a variety of events, including both Championship and Novice Cross-Examination Debate, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Public Forum Debate, multiple Speech categories, as well as the Longhorn Student Congress and NCFL style Oral Interpretation. The Longhorn Classic is a TOC qualifier in Extemporaneous Speaking, a qualifier for the IE TOC in all relevant categories, as well as a Kentucky TOC qualifier in all relevant debate and individual event categories.
There will be six preliminary rounds in CCX, five in CLD and Public Forum, and four in NCX. Individual events will feature four flighted patterns each with two preliminary rounds, followed by extended semi-finals (top 24-32 students advancing depending on rank cutoffs, maximum of 50% in events under 48) and finals. Due to logistical constraints and the massive size of the Longhorn Classic, we can not allow cross-over between individual events and the various debate categories.
Also, we are delighted to be using www.joyoftournaments.com as our registration mechanism again this year. Please submit your entries directly through that website.
We look forward to having everyone here in Austin once again for one of the largest and most competitive tournaments in the country.
Dr. Joel Rollins |
Martin "Randy" Cox |
Director of Debate |
Director of Individual Events |
Registration for the Longhorn Classic is at Joy of Tournaments: