Kansas Flint Hills District Tournament

2017 — Topeka, Topeka High, KS/US

Kansas Flint-Hills District Qualifier

for the 2018 National Tournament
Policy Debate
Topeka High School
Topeka, KS
Fri 12/8 Sat 12/9 CX
Congressional Debate
Congress: Salina South, Emporia
Salina South/Emporia, KS
Fri 3/2 Sat 3/3 HOU SEN
WaRu DB8
Topeka, KS
Tue 4/17 Wed 4/18 LD PF
Silver Lake Forensics
Silver Lake, KS
Fri 4/20 Sat 4/21 DI DUO HI INF IX OO POI USX

This district tournament series will be hosted here on Tabroom.com.

The tournament chair has not yet posted details or a tournament invite, but check back here at


You will need to be a paid member of this district to compete at their District Tournament qualifier series. Consult your NSDA membership account to confirm your school and students' membership status.