North Texas Longhorns District Tournament
2018 —
North Texas Longhorns District Qualifier
for the 2018 National Tournament
We cordially invite you as members of the North Texas Longhorn District to participate in the NSDA district tournament series. This page and subsequent pages will contain information about the tournament. Please read the information carefully to make sure you can successfully enter the tournament.
We will again be combining the debate & speech events on one weekend this year. Please read the schedule page carefully to know when various events are going to occur.
What events will be offered?
Debate (CX/Policy, LD, PF)
Individual Events (OO, USX, FX, HI, DI, Duo Interp, Program of Oral Interp, Informative Speaking)
Dates: Thursday, Friday & Saturday, February 22, 23, & 24
Tournament location: Jasper HS, Plano (information on Individual Events & Debate Events pages)
Information about Congressional Debate and the Big Questions national qualifier will be posted on this or a separate site once we finalize all of that information.
You will need to take the following steps to guarantee your entry in the district tournament.
1. You must have paid your national dues. You may check with the national NSDA office to make sure you have done so.
2. You must have paid your local district dues as well. Jordan Innerarity, Hockaday, will be able to tell you whether or not you have paid. The amount is $60. You should have received an invoice earlier this year. You must pay these local dues by January 31 to be eligible to participate in the tournament. On the right side of this webpage, you will find a link to the invoice that you may download and/or print.
3. The students you enter must be NSDA members. When you log-in to the NSDA site, there will be a green check mark by all of your eligible students’ names. In addition, the names of eligible students will appear in the drop lists on the website. All students must be members one week prior to the start of the district tournament.
4. You must complete your entry seven days prior to any of the tournament dates. For example, your debate and speech entries must be entered on this website no later than Thursday, February 15.
5. You must also complete two forms for entry. The website, when you enter, allows you to print your official entry form. It's in a PDF format. Please look for that option when you enter. In addition, we have voted as a district to allow double entries at this year's tournament You must complete the single entry intent form (again, follow the link to that document) for students to declare in what event they would participate if they double qualify for the national tournament. As with the school entry form, this is a "fill in the blank" PDF that you can complete and print for each student. IT MAY BE A DIFFERENT FORM FROM THE ONE THAT WE HAVE USED IN THE PAST
Your tournament entries are determined by the number of members and degrees that you have in your chapter. For debate, the level will be set seven days prior to that tournament. You may increase your number of entries for the subsequent portions of the tournament by adding degrees from the date of the debate and speech tournament to the date of the Congress portion of the tournament.
To determine how many entries you are allowed, you may log-in to the NSDA website. When you get to the school information page, find the link for “District Info.” You will then see a list of all of the schools in the district. Scroll to the right and you will find the columns that list the number of entries you are allowed in speech & debate and in Congress. Remember also that policy and Public Forum debate teams and Duo Interp entries all count as one entry against your total number of entries.
We will use the following fee schedule for the tournaments. We will again use the modified California plan in individual events which accounts for the cost of those entries.
Here is the fee schedule we will use for this tournament:
Individual Events (DI, HI, Duo Interp, FX, USX, OO) $30 per entry
Policy Debate $50 per team
Public Forum $40 per team
Lincoln Douglas Debate $30 per entry
Congressional Debate $20 per entry
Please examine the other pages as they become available for information about the various parts of the tournament.