Beaver Battles
2017 — UT/US
Beaver Battles
Beaver High School
Open Debate Tournament – January 28, 2017
Beaver High School
195 E Center Street
Beaver, UT 84713
Please contact Preston Clarke if you have any questions or need additional information:
Coach Preston Clarke – (435) 704-1517 --
The Beaver High School Forensics Team is thrilled to invite you to the sixth annual Beaver Battles Open Debate Tournament! This will be a 1-day tournament held on Saturday, January 28, 2017 at Beaver High School, with debate events in the morning and individual events in the afternoon. Our tournament will be “open,” meaning that Varsity and Novice will be competing together.
We would like to thank you in advance for your participation at our tournament, and we hope that you will have a great time and make this tournament a regular on your calendar!
**We will be using the January topic for PF, and the January/February topic for LD**
We will be offering the following events:
DEBATE: Public Forum, Lincoln Douglas, Congress, Policy
I.E.: HI, DI, Duo, Impromptu, Combined Extemp, Oratory, and SPAR
The deadline for registration for the Beaver Battles is on Monday, January 23. This year registration will be done through
The webpage is: Please make all adds and drops by Wednesday, January 25 at the latest.
Double-entry will be permitted in the IE events. There will be no panels, so students who double-enter do so at their own risk, knowing that it will be their responsibility to make it to their rounds on time. Students may compete in both IEs and Debate events.
Judge Requirements
In order to help the tournament run smoothly and on-time, each school will need to bring judges based on their number of entries:
Individual Events: One judge is required for every 5 entries or any portion thereof. Double entries count as two entries for judge commitment.
Congress: One judge is required for every 10 entries or portion thereof.
Public Forum, LD, SPAR: One judge is required for every 4 teams or portion thereof.
Policy: One judge is required for every 2 policy teams or portion thereof.
Failure to provide the required number of judges may result in additional fees. Remember, judges are committed all day. Judges will be given access to the judge’s lounge where they will find drinks and snacks throughout the day, as well as lunch during the break.
$3.50 per single entry
$7.00 per team entry (PF, Policy and Duo).
$15.00 school fee
Payment is expected at the time of registration when coaches receive their packets. Make checks payable to “Beaver High School.”
We have some very cool hand-made trophies that we will be awarding to outstanding competitors at the Beaver Battles.
Trophies will be awarded to the top 6 competitors in every event, as well as in each Congress house. The students in 4th – 6th places will be awarded “Finalist” trophies, and 1st – 3rd will receive trophies stating the place they earned. In the event of a tie students will play a single round of “Rock-Paper-Scissors” to determine who gets which trophy. We will also award trophies for Best Chair in each Congress house. In addition, there will be “MVP” trophies awarded to the top three students overall, based on their results from all of their events (a student must be entered in a debate event and at least two IEs to qualify for this award).
Sweepstakes trophies will be awarded to the top 3 schools based on overall sweepstakes points.
Beaver is a small town, but there are plenty of options for food. We have a McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, Subway, and Dairy Queen within 3 minutes driving distance. There are also a few places within walking distance of the school, including a grocery store and a pizza place that will deliver to the school. There is a short time window for lunch, so try to plan ahead so all of your team will get a chance to eat.
There will also be a concessions table with snacks and drinks for students to purchase. Snacks and drinks will be provided for judges and coaches.
Tentative Schedule
Registration: 7:00 - 7:40 a.m.
Opening Ceremony: 7:40 - 7:50
Judges Meeting: 7:50 - 8:00
Debate Rounds
Round 1 8:00 - 9:30
Round 2 9:30 - 11:00
Round 3 11:00 - 12:30
LUNCH 12:30 - 1:00
Individual Event Rounds
Round 1 1:00 - 2:15
Round 2 2:15 - 3:30
Round 3 3:30 - 4:45
AWARDS 5:00 p.m.