Shanley High Schools Dr Littlefield Speech Tournament
2025 — Fargo, ND/US
January, 2025
Dear Speech Coaches:
You and your team are invited to the annualDr. Littlefield Shanley High School Speech TournamentonSaturday, February 15, 2025 from 8-4.. We are excited to be entering the speech season and look forward to a competitive and fun day.
REGISTRATION:Registration is due by12 pm on February 10.
* Complete your registration online. If you are going to attend, Register on Tabroom at
*$5 per entry for individual events; $10 for duos.
*Students may enterup to two (2) events. The state limit is 2 events
*Drops, adds, and substitutions can be made on untilnoon on February 10. After noon on the 10th, schools will pay the full registration price.
*Registration will open at 7:30 am. Please do not arrive before 7:30 am
*Judges/coaches and student meetings will be held at8:15 in room 217.
*Draw for Radio will begin8:00pm. Round One starts at8:30am.
*All NDHSAA events will be offered. Novice students will receive special recognition. Please mark novice (7, 8 and first year 9).
*Standard time limits and rules will be followed per the NDHSAA speech rulebook.
*We hope to offer all events as state qualifying.
*This will be a 3 round tournament using the NDHSAA rules.
***Make sure you have both burden of proof and language forms for all speakers.
*Teams need to provideone judge for every 6 entries.
*Judges will be scheduled to judge a variety of events.
*MAKE SURE YOUR JUDGES ARE CERTIFIED.If you bring a judge who is ineligible, your team will be charged for a judge. Please visit steps to certify your judges.
*A limited number of judges are available for hire at a rate of $80.00/judge.
Lunch will be provided in the judge’s lounge for coaches and hired judges. Students will have access to concessions also
TAB ROOM:*We will be contacting individuals to help in the tab room for the tournament. *Anyone assisting with tabulation will count as a complete judge slot for their school.
Register on Tabroom
Rounds start at 8:30 (draw 8:00 am)
One judge for every 6 entries
Fees are $5 (duo $10) per entry
Lunch served
All around awards for individual students
Sweepstakes awards given
Awards at 3:00 or before
Shanley Coaching Staff-
Brian Geffre
Contact Cell: 218.329.2669 School: 701.894.3248