Campbell County Middle School Tournament
2025 — Gillette, WY/US
We are proud to announce the Gillette Middle School Speech and Debate tournament. In conjunction with gracious support from the Campbell County Speech and Debate Team, we are excited to host a single day tournament for school across Wyoming. All information required to understand this tournament will be located below. For any questions, please feel free to reach out for support
-There are currently NO registration fees expected for this tournament.
-Please get all students registered as soon as possible. We are planning for a maximum of 50 competitors. In the event we go beyond this number, we may have to discuss registration fees. However, this tournament is meant to be NO-COST to you, so we will do everything in our power to ensure we do not exceed maximums and offer an efficient and free tournament for you and your competitors.
-Competitors are allowed to be double entered in Interp and Impromptu. There are NO double entries allowed in Debate and Poetry.
-We currently have a limited number of rooms and time, therefore, to accommodate I have set a cap on tournament entries. All speaking events (Interp, Impromptu, and Poetry) are capped at 16 entries. Debate is capped at 16 entries. I will constantly work to ensure we are allowing in as many competitors as possible and keep you updated on any changes. Thank you for your understanding.
-Date: Saturday, February 8th 2025
-Time: We will be hosting the same time as the Campbell County High School Tournament. We are only going in on Saturday once many of the High School competitors will be in out-rounds. The expected time of the tournament will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
-Pattern A: Poetry and Debate events (Competitors CANNOT be double entered in Patten A)
-Pattern B: Interp and Impromptu events (Competitors CAN be double entered in Patten B)
Middle School Event Information:
Judging Information:
-You are NOT EXPECTED to bring judges and therefore have no judging obligations to fulfill. Judges for the Middle level are pulled from High School competitors who are not in-rounds of their own on Saturday. This means your competitors will be judged by High Schoolers who are versed in our program and can give qualitative and supportive feedback.
-If you have someone (either a high school competitor or coach) who you would like to be enrolled as a judge. Please email me as soon as possible We highly discourage the use of community judges or parent judges at this level.
-Campbell County will be hosting a Potato Bar on Saturday for Lunch. If you would like to order food for the meal please follow the link to the google form. We understand numbers may change as we get closer to the tournament and will happily adjust those. If you already filled out the form no need to do it again. Food Order Form
-Speech Finals will consist of the top FOUR speakers in the tournament. Rankings will be calculated based on competitors' rankings in the first three preliminary rounds. Tiebreakers, if needed, will be decided depending on overall tournament record and strength of competition in previous rounds.
-Debate Finals will consist of the top TWO teams (a debate team consisting of either 1 or 2 people) in the tournament. Rankings will be primarily based on the win/lose record of the teams. Tiebreakers, if needed, will be decided based of speaker score or strength of competition in previous rounds.