Minotaur Invitational
2025 — Buckeye, AZ/US
Greetings! We are thrilled to bring a fun last stop before State Speech & Debate event to the West Valley by hosting the Minotaur Invitational here at The Odyssey Institute for Advanced and International Studies in Buckeye, Arizona.
Competitors are not permitted to register for both Radio and Duo Radio. Double-entry with a draw event and regular speech event is permitted, but it falls on the competitor to check in with the rounds.
Please make sure that you are registering in the correct event bracket: Middle School events are designated with a Jr and are open only to students up to and in 8th grade; High School events are for all students in 9-12th grades.
Checks can be made out to: The Odyssey Preparatory Academy or TOPA
Mailed to
Odyssey Speech & Debate
1495 S Verrado Way
Buckeye AZ 85326