EBDL February Feud

2025 — Dublin, CA/US

Live Doc Link: https://tinyurl.com/ebdllivedoc

Location: Fallon MS @ 3601 Kohnen Way, DublinFMS Campus Map.pdf


  1. The USFG should ban TikTok.

  2. On balance, free trade agreements do more harm than good.



Check in Student Debaters & Judges in the Auditorium

Pairings released @ 8:45; debaters & judges will be directed to the room they are debating in via Tabroom and/or the physical posting.

If you are not listed to judge a round, you should remain on-standby in the main room 10 minutes after round start time in case we need you to fill in for missing judges.




Round 1 Prep


Round 1


Round 2 Prep


Round 2


LUNCH (after you finish round 2)


Round 3 Prep


Round 3


Round 4 Prep


Round 4


Cleanup, Results, Awards, Thank-yous, & Dismissal

Rules for Debate

  • Proposition team’s burden is to affirm the resolution. Opposition’s is to clash with Prop.

  • Only 3 POIs per speaker, i.e. when the other team is speaking, your team as a whole can only attempt 3 POIs total PER speaker.

  • Heckles are 3 words ONLY and are not meant to disrupt the speech; they are meant to be non-abusive and constructive to the debate.

  • No POIs during the first and last minute of each 5-minute speech and during the third speech.

  • No new arguments in the third speech unless in response to what was already brought up.

  • No plans or counterplans. The “plan” is just what the resolution states.

  • Be prepared to self-time.

  • There should be NO filming/recording of debates. Doing so will disqualify you from participating in this tournament and possibly future tournaments if the violator is persistent.

  • Please maintain debate etiquette: any extreme violations can and will get not only an individual banned, but a team.

    • Be respectful and grateful to teammates, opponents, director, coaches, and judges.

    • Cheating of any kind is not tolerated.

    • Use appropriate language.

General Announcements for All

  • Click on your email on the top right of the page to take you to the EBDL tournament if you are using Tabroom (this may or may not apply to in person tournaments)

  • We will continue to have prep times between rounds, mostly in order to give the tournament directors time to compile results and create new pairings. Coaches will be meeting their debaters during these times.

  • Announcements, pairings and results will be emailed/texted and posted on Tabroom, but will also be posted in the room.

  • We are still new to this system, so there will be bugs and issues. We are certainly anticipating those, but hoping for the best. If anything should go wrong, coaches should contact the tournament directors through email/text as soon as possible and they will do their best to address it. Thank you for your patience.

  • In case of any issues, please contact your coach. If it is an issue with the online system, please email the tournament director Valerie Li: 25valeriel@students.harker.org

  • Do not be alarmed with multiple judges in the room - this will only apply to the Jamboree

Reminders for Students:

  • Please make sure you are able to log into Tabroom.

  • DO NOT use the share files function in Tabroom.

  • While you should definitely help out your teammates, there is no conversing via text/email with your coaches during a round, which is considered cheating and results in loss in the round and possible tournament(s) disqualification if repeated.

  • Remember to have snacks, water, and food handy throughout the day.

Reminders for Coaches:

  • Coaches: Please see the tournament director for specific judge complaints or technical issues. STUDENTS AND PARENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED NEAR THE TAB TABLE!

Reminders for Judges

  • Because we have changed our speaker score system to .1 increments, we have made a speaker score rubric that will help ensure speaker scores are as consistent as possible between judges. You can access that rubric HERE.

  • Judges in the Jamboree are usually in the room with other judges (this is not usually the case).

  • BALLOTS ARE ONLINE: Go to Judging - Tabroom.com Help Center for information on how to use Tabroom to start a round and enter your ballot.

  • After the round, judges should give oral feedback (written feedback, too, if you can without holding up the next round). They must disclose the winner/loser and speaker-points to students. Please remind debaters to write down feedback, so it can be shared with their coaches. limit oral feedback to 10-15 minutes.

  • Kids can (and should) time themselves, but judges should have the official time running just in case.

  • When filling out the ballot, please make sure that you are matching the score to the speaker. The range is from 68 to 80. Please be equally sparing with 68’s as you are with 80’s–only in the most extreme circumstances should anyone get that low or that high of a score. No two scores can be the same. If a student is missing and hasn't given a speech, the judge should give them a 68 on the ballot. For two-person teams, average out one debater’s two speech scores.

  • Be compassionate and constructive with your feedback; recall the compliment sandwich of “What Worked, What Didn’t & Suggestions, & Compliments re. General Participation.”

  • Most importantly, thank you for taking the time to help our league out. We appreciate you so much! Without you, this entire tournament would not be possible.