Katy ISD Novice Night 4

2025 — Katy, TX/US

Welcome to Katy ISD Novice Night #4 for the 2024-25 school year!

This tournament will be hosted in person at Seven Lakes High School on Tuesday, February 4. Any entries outside of Katy ISD will be deleted without emailing Bryce Piotrowski first.

Students may only enter a maximum of 1 debate event OR 2 speech events.


No novice topics will be used.

PF will use the January 2025 topic -- Resolved: The African Union should grant diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Somaliland as an independent state.

LD will use the January/Feburary 2025 topic -- Resolved: The United States ought to become party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and/or the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

CX: Resolved: The United States federal government should significantly strengthen its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks.


R1 Impromptu

R2 This House believes that social media activism has done more harm than good to the feminist movement.


Congressional Debate will be limited to the following bills from the Spring 2025 TFA Docket, and they shall be debated in this order: 10, 16, 5, 15, 11. If a chamber exhausts all 5 items of legislation, they may take docket nominations from the floor. Individual chambers are welcome to table legislation if they wish to skip it or come back to it later. All bills must have at least 1 speech in affirmation or negation before the previous question may be moved.

We will strongly encourage novice POs to participate and practice during the round.


Schedule - LD, PF, Extemp, Speech:

3:15 pm - Extemp Draw, Round Start for SLHS students

4:00 pm - Extemp Draw, Round Start for all students

5:15 pm - Extemp Draw, Round Start for all students

Schedule - CX:

4:00 pm - R1

5:30 pm/ASAP - R2

Schedule - Congress:

SLHS Students will participate in R1 of Extemp.

4:00 pm - Arrive and get set up

4:15 pm - First speech should begin for all students

6:30 pm - minimum Congress debate time

7:00 pm - Hard Stop Congress

Chambers are encouraged to take a short break between each item of legislation

Schedule - WSD:

4:00 pm - Round 1 impromptu prep

5:00 pm - Round 1

6:00 pm - Round 2 (prepared)