D3 And The Mid America Championship
2025 — Bethany, OK/US
Note about 6 round per team commitment - in the conversation about expanding team caps at districts, we agreed that an amendment was not necessary if we enforced the existing judge obligation rules:
C. Judges 1. Each team requires the equivalent of three quarters of one full commitment (rounded up) to cover its judging obligations. One judge shall hear each preliminary round of debate. If a member of the District is chosen to serve in the tab-room, that person shall not count toward a school’s judging obligation but District fees can be used to pay for additional rounds to cover the obligation. The host school may designate one person to hold out of rounds to handle host administrative tasks. That person shall not count toward the host school’s judging obligation but District fees can be used to pay for additional rounds to cover the obligation. Persons held out of judging under this section should appear on the strike sheet, and may be placed in extreme situations.