Pittsburgh NSDA Campus Tournament

2025 — NSDA Campus, PA/US

Things to note about this tournament:
- we are using NSDA Campus - please check with your IT to be certain that you can access this on school computers and school locations
- this event is open to all schools, not just "NSDA schools."
- this event is LIVE, in real time - with judges and contestants using NSDA campus at the location of your choice
- students CANNOT double enter if any of the debates (including congress) or extemp or commentary are part of their entry!!!
-rooms are not open to observers
- online registration is set to open at 6:00 AM and run until 8:00 AM; at that time debate rounds will start; speech and congress will begin closer to 8:30
-debate schools are urged to complete registration early so that rounds can begin right after the judge meeting
-short judge meetings will be held before events begin
-all events are PHSSL events and will use PHSSL rules with the exception of declamation, which will use NCFL rules; see the appropriate website if you are unfamiliar with those rules (www.phssl.org and www.ncfl.org)
-team events can use the same room for competition (split screens are not mandated)
-in speech, there will be three rounds, a lunch break, and then final rounds unless an event has 6 or fewer competitors; in that case, all competitors in that event will compete after lunch
-in debate, there will be at least three preliminary rounds and then lunch; break rounds will be determined by the number of competitors in each debate event; it is possible that some debate events will not have break rounds - maybe an extra round, maybe not - all determined by the number of entries and the number of judges available
-congressional legislation will be posted on this Tabroom.com website
- congress will have two sessions; for lunch planning purposes, session one should end at approximately 11:00
-all judges in all events MUST be available for all rounds
-all judges must have phone numbers included on the school's registration page
-if you do not have enough judges to cover all of your entries, you must drop the extra entries
-registration costs will be used to cover the use of NSDA Campus software
-there will be certificates available for you to print after the tournament; no other physical awards will be given
-there will not be any sweepstakes awards

Please check the Tabroom.com website often for a more detailed information.