Loveland Drums of War Invitational NIETOC Bid

2025 — Loveland, CO/US

The Loveland High School Speech and Debate team extends a warm welcome and invitation to your team to participate in an invitational tournament in the land of love: The sixth annual Loveland Drums of War Invitational on January 11th, 2025. Register at We are delighted to see you in person at Loveland High School in beautiful Loveland, CO. Please see the tournament website for additional information.


A Wave........................................................B Wave

Lincoln-Douglas Debate........................Public Forum Debate

Congressional Debate A........................Congressional Debate B

National Extemp........................................International Extemp

Humorous Interp.......................................Original Oratory

Informative Speaking...............................Duo Interp

Poetry Interp Program.............................Oral Interp

Impromptu...................................................Policy Debate

Dramatic Interp...........................................Creative Storytelling