Valley of Gold

2024 — Helena, MT/US

You are cordially invited to attend the Valley of Gold Speech & Debate Invitational.

All events will be held at Capital High School (100 Valley Drive).SCHOOL MAP HERE.

Fees: Each entry will be charged $5.00 (the charge will be $10 for duo interp, policy debate and public forum debate). Each school will also be charged a $35 school fee.

Entries: Schools may enter up to 3 entries in each event and one additional entry from the waitlist. With Thanksgiving so late and coaches needing to know who is and is not being pulled off the waitlist, we will close to added entries at noon on Wednesday, November 27th.That afternoon- I will begin adding, as room allows, from the waitlist.

Drops: You will be able to drop and/or name change until Thursday, December 5th at noon. We will cycle through the waitlist one more time at this point and allow additional entries. Drops or changes after that will need to be communicated to Jennifer Hermanson.

Please text as you depart and lets us know of any additional changes or drops. Jen: 406-531-7449. Drops or changes after midnight on Friday, December 6th will be assessed a nuisance fee.

Tab Room/Draw: Please email and let us know which of your coaches will be attending the Tournament and their tabbing preferences. Please also nominate at least one coach to serve in extemp draw.

Food: There will be NO concessions, please plan accordingly. There will be a hospitality room provided for coaches and drivers.

Student area: At the request of Administration, we must require all students to utilize the cafeteria as the student area. We will not allow hallways, stairwells, or other spaces to be used as lounge areas. Please be respectful of this and ask your students to use the cafeteria between rounds.


Legislative: Domestic: Land Management, Foreign: Africa

Lincoln-Douglas (both VLD and NLD): Resolved: The United States ought to adopt a wealth tax.

Public Forum: Resolved: The United States should substantially reduce its military support of Taiwan.

Policy: Resolved: The United States federal government should significantly strengthen its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks.

Rules: The Tournament and all events will be conducted according to the AA rules of the Official 2024-2025 MHSA Forensics and Drama Handbook as posted on the MHSA website.


Friday, December 6th, 2024

4:00pm Round 1 (EXTEMP draw – 30 minutes prior)

6:00pm Round 2 (EXTEMP draw – 30 minutes prior)

8:00pm Round 3 (EXTEMP draw – 30 minutes prior)

Saturday, December 7th, 2024

8:00am DEBATE Round 4

9:00am SPEECH Round 4 (EXTEMP draw – 30 minutes prior)

10:00am DEBATE Round 5

11:00am SPEECH Round 5 (EXTEMP draw – 30 minutes prior)

12:00pm DEBATE Quarters/ LEGI & NPol semis

2:00pm SPEECH Semifinals (EXTEMP draw – 30 minutes prior)

2:00pm DEBATE Semis/LEGI and NPol finals

4:00pm DEBATE Finals

4:30pm SPEECH Finals (EXTEMP draw – 30 minutes prior)

7:30pm AWARDS Ceremony (CHS Auditorium)

EXTEMP DRAW IS IN THE B WING. Basement floor – under the library.