Madison Icebreaker

2024 — Madison, WI/US

Icebreaker Tournament

Round 1: Duo Extemp Reading

Round 2: Interview

Round 3: Duo Impromptu

ENTRIES: Students must enter in “TEAMS” OF TWO (partners for the day).


DUOS MAY ALSO BE MADE UP OF 2 NOVICE STUDENTS. A novice is defined as a student who has never competed in speech or debate.

Everyone is in the same "category". The event changes each round, but your partner remains the same.

Round 1: Duo Extemp Reading

Students draw two manuscripts and pick one

The manuscripts could include poetry, prose, or other genres excluding play scripts

1 minute prep

Speaking time 5 minutes max.

The focus could be on the audience, offstage or each other

No props or visual aids, but the manuscripts could be used creatively

Students should be judged on their ability to work together and divide up the script equitably and meaningfully, and deliver an engaging presentation

AREAS THAT CAN BE CONSIDERED (but not limited to)

  • expressiveness

  • physicality (gestures, facial express, movement)

  • poise

  • speaking ability

  • the ability to think on their feet

  • creativity

Round 2: Interview

Students draw two situations and pick one

One person is the interviewer and the other is the interviewee

1 minute prep

Speaking time 5 minutes max.

The focus should be on each other

Props are limited to chairs

Students should be judged on their ability to create the situation, making it engaging and plausible

AREAS THAT CAN BE CONSIDERED (but not limited to)

  • characters

  • dialogue

  • poise

  • speaking ability

  • the ability to think on their feet

  • creativity

Round 3: Duo Impromptu

Students draw two scenarios and pick one

1 minute prep

Speaking time 5 minutes max.

The focus should be on each other

Props are limited to chairs

Students should be judged on their ability to create the scene, making it engaging and plausible

AREAS THAT CAN BE CONSIDERED (but not limited to)

  • characters

  • dialogue

  • physicality (gestures, facial express, movement)

  • poise

  • speaking ability

  • the ability to think on their feet

  • creativity