WBFL October IE
2024 — NSDA Campus, CA/US
AWARDS HAS BEEN MOVED TO 3:30! You can find the link here: https://harvardwestlake.zoom.us/j/9932393219?pwd=YVFLK0E5TzZGRUk5aUhsVWNzWXZ5Zz09
Speech Preliminary Tiebreakers:
1. Ranks score from prelim rounds, truncate to 5
2. Reciprocal ranks (# of 1s, # of 2s) from prelim round(s) , truncate to 5
3. Judges Preference on Ranks (if tied) from prelim round(s)
Speech Finals Tiebreakers:
1. Ranks score from final round plus prelim rounds ("rolling cumes”), truncate to 5
2. Ranks score from final round
3. Judge Pref score from final round
4. Reciprocals ranks (# of 1s, # of 2s) from final round
5. Reciprocal ranks (# of 1s, # of 2s) from all round(s)