3rd Annual TOC Digital Speech and Debate Series 2

2025 — NSDA Campus, KY/US

Jan 29 Update:Extemp topic areas are posted to the right.

Jan 24 Update:Congress Legislation is posted to the right. World Schools Motions are posted to the right.

Jan 23 Update/Reminder: Judge hire requests are due Monday, February 3 by 2:59am EST. Avery limited number of judges will be available for hire. Teams are expected to bring most of their own judges; teams need to aim to bring 75-80% of their own judges.

Dear Coaches and Competitors,

We are thrilled to invite you to the TOC Digital Speech and Debate Series #2 Tournament, hosted by the University of Kentucky, on February 21-23, 2025. This tournament promises a challenging yet rewarding competition for all levels of debaters and speakers. Our events will include Policy, Public Forum, Lincoln Douglass, Congressional Debate, World Schools Debate, and Individual Events/Speech. We will offer Open/Varsity and Rising Star divisions in Policy, Public Forum, and Lincoln Douglas. We look forward to a weekend filled with dynamic arguments and impressive performances.

Our goal is to provide an inclusive, educational environment where students can showcase their talents, develop critical thinking skills, and engage with others from various schools, regions, and even internationally. We will have experienced judges, a smooth schedule, and plenty of opportunities for feedback to help each participant improve their skills.

Please find attached details regarding registration, tournament format, and fees. Our tournament Best Practices and Procedures document as well as the tournament schedule are available on Tabroom. Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our tournament director at toc.debate@uky.edu.

We look forward to seeing you online in February and wish your team the best of luck throughout the season!

Kelsey Johnson
Tournament Director

Check out our NEW website for more information.