HF Vikings Classic

2024 — Flossmoor, IL/US

HF Classic Tournament Invite

Welcome to this year's Viking Classic. The tournament will be 4 rounds with awards to the top 5 teams in each division as well as the top 10 speakers in each division. We will use the Novice resolution in Novice LD. This year I have been reluctantly persuaded into having a halloween tournament. What does this mean? Debaters, Judges, and Coaches are encouraged but not required to come to debate dressed up in their Halloween best. We will be having a Halloween Costume Contest as well. Hopefully details coming soon from those in charge of this part of the fun which is clearly not me. Costume Rules: NO REAL WEAPONS, NO FAKE WEAPONS, NO WEAPONS THAT ARE CLEARLY NOT WEAPONS BUT STILL LOOK LIKE WEAPONS, NO FULL MASKS - WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY STUDENTS WHEN WE SEE THEM, STUDENTS SHOULD BE IN ACCEPTABLE DRESS CODE RELATIVE TO MOST SCHOOLS. Costumes should permit students the ability to sit in a standard desk -- please remind your kids if they show up in a blow up dinosaur costume that they'll be standing all day because we don't have dinosaur desks. Hope to see you all there! Katie