UNT DeMougeot Debates
2024 — Online, TX/US
Dear Colleagues,
We cordially invite you to participate in the UNT DeMougeot Debates Lincoln-Douglas Debate Tournament, a fully online, collegiate LD tournament that will be run through Zoom October 5-6, 2024. The weekend will be comprised of a 6 round prelim tournament and break to the appropriate number of elimination rounds.We will NOT be breaking all winning records!
We will offer Varsity, Junior Varsity, Novice divisions. For the purpose of this tournament:
• Varsity – any student eligible to compete in NFA-LD
• Junior Varsity – any student in their first 2 years of collegiate debate.
• Novice – any student in their first 2 semesters of collegiate debate (3 tournaments = 1 semester)
IF a division does not make on its own it will be combined with another division.
(Novice or JV doesn’t make, Novice and JV combined with Open staying Separate. Open doesn’t make, but Novice does make, JV and Open will be combined)
Judge Coverage
The tournament will have 6 preliminary rounds with the appropriate number of elimination rounds, soeach individual LD entry requires 3 rounds of judging. We do not expect to have any judges available for hire, but if you bring judges above your commitment, encourage them to list on tabroom’s judging exchange. We encourage schools to handle any hiring.
5:00 pm (central) Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024.
Any adds after Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024, will be at the tournament’s discretion.
All registration will occur through Tabroom athttp://untdemougeotdebates.tabroom.com
Constraints and Strikes
IF a judge or a debater needs to be constrained from another judge or competitor, please mark those constraints on tabroom.
We will offer strikes IF POSSIBLE. We will let you know if strikes will be available after entries close. All entries (judges and competitors) will be available on the website.