13th Annual Capitol Congress

2024 — Austin, TX/US

13th Annual Austin Capitol Congressional Debate Tournament

Thursday, December 5, 2024

We are excited to welcome you to the Annual Austin Capitol Congressional Debate Tournament! This tournament is unique as students debate in the actual congressional chambers of the Texas Capitol Building in Austin, Texas. This is a one-day Congressional Debate Tournament and entry is limited.

In order to make sure that each student gets the most educational experience possible, we
will be offering three divisions for debate; Senate, House, and a Novice section. Each section
will have their own final round chambers.

Our goal is to provide a full, fun day of congressional debate in the magnificent Texas State Capitol Building.
Special thanks to Representative Rafael Anchía and his staff for their support and assistance in making this tournament possible!


Brian Alford of A&M Consolidated High School

Donna Szumila of THEO Christian

Mimi & Gus Perez of THEO Christian