Knights Joust

2024 — Highland, UT/US

Knight’s Joust

In person with async

AWARDS: Top 3 and top Large school and small school sweepstakes.

Dates: November 8-9, 2024

Location: Lone Peak High School, 10189 N 4800 W, Highland, UT 84003

Tournament Host/Director:

Michelle Walker:

Rachel Billings:

Cost: $25/day ($50 both days); $4/person per event

Judges: Speech 1:5, CX 1:2; Debates 1:4; Congress 1:5

  • judges can judge both speech and debate events

  • Asynchronous Fun Speech Events---Lip Synch, Storytelling, Declamation, News-anchor, Poetry, Oratory, Informative

  • Students may double, triple or quadruple enter in Speech Events--at their own risk. Tournament will not be held up for double entries. Extemporaneous may not double-enter.

  • Students may only participate in one Debate event

  • Novice and Varsity Divisions Available in main events.


New event: Knight's Melee: Think tag-team sparring - See Link

Novice and Varsity Speech Events

Novice: Mixed Extemp, Impromptu, SPAR, Combined Interps, Oratory, Informative

Varsity: US Extemp, Int Extemp, Impromptu, SPAR, Interps: HI DI Duo Poi, Oratory, Informative


Varsity and Novice LD, Public Forum, Policy and Congress, Big Question

Asynchronous Events

Lip Sync, News-anchor, Storytelling, Declamation, Poetry, NEW: Oratory, Informative

  1. Must submit by Wednesday Night. Must be recorded (without any editing) and uploaded as an unlisted youtube/google drive file (don’t use a school drive as it often blocks access--suggestion-create a team email/drive account an use that for either drive or youtube)

  2. Put the link for the video in the description/title section for that competitor’s speech in tabroom.

  3. Will be judged in advance and must be turned in by Deadline.

  4. Lip Sync/Newscaster: Yes to props, scripts, and having lots of fun. NO to Greenscreens, special affects, or editing. Newscaster 1-2 people Lip Sync 1-6 people

  5. Storytelling, may or may not have book/script in hand, may use a chair. Can be self written or published.

Schedule: *Please note BQ is on Saturday and Knight's Melee is on Friday

**Please communicate with Judges before round begins if you are double entered; you will need to go first or last.

Friday: SPAR, IE, Knight's Melee

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Check-in and judge instructions/Q&A


Extemp Prep start: Little Theater

3:30 - 4:00

Pre-round set up. Check rooms, internet, etc.

4:00 - 5:15

Round 1

5:15 - 6:30

Round 2


Dinner Period

7:00 - 8:15

Round 3


Finals Round


LD, PF, CX, BQ Congress

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Check-in and judge instructions/Q&A

Pre-Round setup. Judges Check rooms, internet, etc.

8:30 - 10:00

Round 1

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Congress Round 1

(10 min. Per member in chamber - max 18 members)

10:15 - 11:45

Round 2

12:00 PM -1:00

Lunch Period

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Lunch Period

12:45 - 2:15

Round 3

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Congress Round 2

(10 min. Per member in chamber - max 18 members)

2:45 - 4:15


4:30 - 5:00



*Will be selling Pizza on Friday and Pancakes and Scrambled Eggs on Saturday - made fresh.


Awards for top 3 in each event. Sweepstakes for large school and small school.

Knight’s Joust Award: Awards will be given to the top NSDA points winners from all events combined.

Registration open September 4th - October 28th @ 11AM! Adds after this will be accepted as room allows.

Unique Events:

Knight’s Melee - Think Tag-team Spar. Each team of 4 to 6 competitors will flip a coin. Winner of the coin toss to choose the order of the topics. Loser of the coin toss will choose aff or neg for the first topic, and the other topics will alternate accordingly. There will be 5 topics total. Each team will get 7 minutes to prepare for the entire melee. May not double enter in other speeches.

News Anchor: In this event competitors present the news (real or fictional) as a news anchor or news anchor team. The news can be presented in a serious nature if you choose. However, satirical news presentations in the vein of Steven Colbert, John Stewart and Saturday Night Live are preferred. 5-10 minutes. As this is asynchronous this year, you may screen share images as part of your performance. Content must be school appropriate.

Poetry: Competitors can alternate between poetry and prose, but it is not required. They can do the same poetry piece or prose all three rounds. Pieces should be 5-7 minutes long.

Declamation: This is a 5-10 minute speech given in a public setting by a prominent individual.


Novice and Open LD - 2024/2025 November/December Open/Varsity topic.


Public Forum - 2024/2025 November/December Topic


Policy - 2024/2025 Topic

Resolved: The United States federal government should significantly strengthen its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks.

Congress - See Docket link

Big Questions:2024/2025 Topic

Resolved: Creativity is a more powerful force than intelligence.