Falcon First

2024 — Clearfield, UT/US

Redundantly, here are tournament infos:

Falcon First Tournament and parking-lot disaster-obstruction tournament!

*a beard-friendly tournament since, like, 20 years ago, now run by coaches Hair and Harris and team that is hair-less.

The Clearfield High School Speech and Debate Team would like to invite you to the first Novice/Open tournament of the season to be held on Saturday, October 5thndt.

Definition of a novice competitor: For the purpose of this competition, a novice competitor is someone who has never competed in a debate tournament in a prior year. (If your student was in a class, but NEVER competed before, they are still a novice!) Novice competitors may compete in ANY category.

Definition of an “Open” Competitor: Anyone else, who HAS competed before. If you competed in a tournament, ever, that’s you. Novices can compete in the Open-class, however the Open-class competitors may not compete at a Novice level, because that’s weird.

Definition of a Tournament: a gathering of a group of close-by schools to have a friendly, first-of-the-year/break-in-your-novices, friendly evening involving some speeches, some debates, good food, and some rad trophies. This is a *4 round (round 1 can be used as practice to teach novices and judges) tournament to teach new coaches, judges, and let your students get enough competition to mean something!



Extemporaneous Speaking (National and Foreign will be combined)


Public Forum




Extemporaneous Speaking (National and Foreign will be combined)



Combined Interps, POI, and Info

Public Forum




Double entries allowed in speech events only that allow it (e.g. Extemp and Impromptu), NOT allowed for debaters/Congress students. No double-Extemp entries (ever!). Novice students are welcome to compete in any open event if they wish.

Food: We’ll have “pizza” ‘cuz it’s cheap. $2/Slice and soda/water.

Congress – We will be using the legislation found on the UDCA website (listed at the end). Orders of the day will be amended to allow for sponsorship speeches.

Public Forum Debate – Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially expand its surveillance infrastructure along its southern border.

Lincoln-Douglas Debate –Resolved: The United States ought to require that workers receive a living wage.

We do not/have not ever run the novice-LD topic. It’s always the OPEN topic (see above), so please make note. (p.s.: the Novice topic is lame).

Impromptu topics: Categories will be People, Current Events, Quotes (one-liners), Abstracts.

Extemp topics will be pulled from current events, and many of them from UDCA/NSDA/Extemp Central.

Impromptu topics will be theme-based, possibly funny at times, but mostly just awesome. Typical format: people, current events, quotes, and abstracts, by round.

The Congress docket will be available around the week of September 8th to allow folks to prep. Look at the UDCA site to figure out what it’ll probably be, and you’ll probably be right!

POI/Combined Interps/Info are a collapsed-event this year, and while that might seem odd, it’s to help promote awareness of these events and help create a safe place for students to try them out early in the season.

SpAr will be a returning event for us at Falcon. For those familiar with it, we’ll be running it flighted, since rounds will take about 20 minutes. Think of SpAr at Falcon First as more debate-oriented: topics will be more serious after round 1. Times are new this year, so be aware that it is as-follows:

2 mins mandatory prep for all participants, following announcement of topic.

3 mins Affirmative Constructive

3 mins NC

3 mins Cross - Examination (grand)

2 mins Affirmative Rebuttal

2 mins NR

1 min Aff Final Focus

1 min NFF

Awards: 1st-3rd in every event. We also reward Best-Behaved School and Sweepstakes awards, so please remind your team to be extra awesome!

Judges: You will need to provide one judge for every six competitors in Individual Events (Extemp, Impromptu, Oratory, etc.), one for every four entries in Debate Events (Public Forum, LD), and one for every eight participants in Congress. We will allow Varsity students to judge, provided that they constitute no more than half of your judging pool, since we want a good mix of feedback for all competitors (we’ll mix Varsity with new judges to help train everyone).

Wifi will be allowed, details will be at the tournament for connections to it.

Ye schedule is as follows:

Registration: 7:00-7:30 Library

Judges Meeting: 7:30-8:00 Library

Draw: 7:30

Congress: 8:00-10:00 Session #1

10:00-1:00 Session #2

1:00-3:00 Session #3

All other events: 8:00-10:00 Round #1

11:00-12:00 Lunch

10:00-12:00 Round #2

12:00-2:00 Round #3

2:00-4:00 Round #4

4:00-4:01 Awards, spewed

Concessions will be available in the cafeteria from 8:00-2:00ish

I realize that some of you will be traveling some distance; however, we MUST start the tournament on time—no exceptions.

Entry Details:

In trying to keep the tournament fun, we encourage students to list a school-appropriate pseudonym for themselves if they’d like to, and by which we’ll read off any awards and accolades. (You can input these into Tabroom).

As always, please feel free to e-mail or call me with any concerns/questions.

You can contact me at: lorharris@dsdmail.net, or him at jhair@dsdmail.net the school at (801) 402-8200.

Falcon First Tournament (for old-school signups in your classroom. Sign up as-normal in Tabroom).

Novice Competitors:

Novice Impromptu

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Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

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Nov. Congress (yes, there are 10 spots)

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Novice L-Dizzle, for Rizzle.

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Novice Public Forum

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Open Competitors:


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Extemporaneous Speaking (specify NX/FX (We’ll try to host both))

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Public Forum






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POOIe *(Humorous, Dramatic, Duo Interps, POI, and Informative)

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Falcon First Docket

All pieces of legislation can be found on the UDCA website at http://www.utahdebatecoaches.org/Studentscongress-legislation. We’ll be debating roughly the first 4 topics/ in the first session and the second set in the second session. Third session will have another (roughly) 4 topics. Sessions will run the full two hours each.

Falcon First Congress Docket

Round 1





Round 2





Round 3





Awards: they’ll be sweet, and actual awards (for the very last time!). We also keep an award handy for the best-behaved/cleanest school. It cannot be the host school (us), so tell your students to bring their #yolo manners and take home phat lewtz, bling-bling, and some cray-cray lit meme-danks. See you soonish, if not later!