Cottonwood Classic

2024 — Albuquerque, NM/US

The Seventh Annual Cottonwood Classic Speech and Debate Tournament

November 8-9, 2024

Contact Bill Torres at or at 505-280-9437 if you have any questions.

Registration is online at

Events Offered:

Program Oral Interpretation

Dramatic Interpretation

Humorous Interpretation

Duo Interpretation

United States Extemporaneous

International Extemporaneous


Original Oratory

Impromptu Speaking


Policy Debate (Novice and Varsity)

Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Novice and Varsity)

Public Forum Debate (Open Division)


Friday, November 8

2:00 PM Registration

2:30 PM Extemp Prep

3:00 PM Speech I

4:00 PM Debate I

5:30 PM Extemp Prep

6:00 PM Speech II

7:00 PM Debate II

Saturday, November 9

8:00 AM Debate III

9:30 AM Extemp Prep

10:00 AM Speech III

12:00 PM Debate IV

1:30 PM Extemp Prep Finals

2:00 PM Speech Finals

3:00 PM Debate Semis

5:15 PM Debate Finals

7:30 PM Awards

United States Extemp Round Themes:

Round 1: Congress

Round 2: The Executive

Round 3: The Supreme Court

Finals: Economics

International Extemp Round Themes:

Round 1: Middle East

Round 2: Environment

Round 3: Africa

Finals: Human Rights

Storytelling Theme: Heroes

Spirit Award!!

A spirit award will be given to the school who best decorates their table in a Fall, Veterans Day, and/or Thanksgiving theme in celebration of the upcoming holiday!!

Tournament Specifics:

Judging Requirements

1 judge for every 4 debate entries, and 1 judge for every 4 speech entries


Double entry allowed in speech events, but only one debate event!

Entry fees of $10/student, Duo, Policy, PF is $20/team

We will have a judge’s lounge with food and beverages

Snacks will be sold in the student lounge.

Please make checks payable to:

CCPS with Speech and Debate in the memo line.

7801 Jefferson St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109