Canyon View Tournament

2024 — Cedar City, UT/US

Thank you for joining our tournament!

-CVHS Administration has asked for teams to wait until 3pm to enter the building.

-Team staging area will be in the lunchroom.

-If your school has a problem getting to Canyon View by 3:15, just try to get into your IE rounds before 4pm. We will be flexible with the cut-off time for round 1 if we have any schools arriving later than 3:30pm. We will also plan to have extra local judges for IE's/ CX in order for non local judges to have time to get to CVHS.

-The entry rules will mimic state rules. Students may enter 1 IE and 1 Debate Event (with the exception of Policy).

-Competitors are asked to stay in their IE rounds for the completion of the round if at all possible.

-Spectators are welcome; no recording or communicating between spectators and competitors during the round.

-Please bring 1 judge per 5 students participating.

-We will use paper ballots and postings in this tournament.

-Every round will have a hard cut off time to make sure we stay on time. We promise you will be able to board your busses by 9pm.

-There are several food options within walking distance of the Tournament. Remember it is the responsibility of every competitor to get to their rounds on time; there is a hard round cutoff time.


I.E.'s (State Events plus SPAR)- Rd 1- 3:15-4:15 Rd 2- 4:15-5:15

Congress- 1st Session 5:15- 6:45 2nd Session 6:50- 8:20

LD/PF (Single Flight) Rd 1- 5:15-6:15 Rd 2- 6:20- 7:20 Rd 3- 7:25-8:25

CX (Single Entry) Rd 1- 3:15-4:45 Rd 2- 5:00- 6:30 Rd 3- 6:45- 8:15

Awards 8:45

Judge Trainings 3:05 pm/ 5pm- Media Center

Extemp Prep 3:05 pm- Location TBD


LD/ PF Topics will be the NSDA topics for October

Extemp Topics will be the NSDA October Practice Topics

Congress Legislation will be the UDCA September/ October legislation with UDCA Rules of the Day

Tabulation Methodology- to ensure an efficient tournament:


Top 50% ranking for IE = 1pt per round

Top 50% ranking for Cong= 1.5 pts per session

Win for LD= 1 pt per win

Win for PF= 2 pts per win

Win for CX= 3 pts per win

BYE= Average of points from other rounds

Awards- Top 3 Teams win sweeps. Top 3 finishers based on ranking and win totals (speaker points not a factor- there will be ties). Example: 2 LDers finish with 3-0 record, both would be awarded 1st place. We may have more than 3 finishers getting awards due to ties.

Novice Competition:

- PF/ CX teams are considered Novice if one of the members is new to the event and neither has earned 1-3rd place in that event in a previous tournament.

- Some novice IE events may be combined if numbers are not sufficient

- Novice and varsity Congress my be combined into one chamber if numbers are not sufficient. If this happens, novice competitors will have a separate ranking and awards from varsity competitors.


$3 per IE/ $5 per Debate entry /$15 per school entry