Lawrence Free State Firebird Speech Invitational KCKNCFL Speech
2025 — Lawrence, KS/US
Short Version:
LD/PF/Congress - Novice and Varsity divisions of all.
We do not have school. Round 1 starts at 3p sharp. Pairings at 2p. Goal is 5 prelims.
The goal is to announce top 6? 8? in LD/PF/Cong and then allow entries who desire to continue to compete in a reasonable number of prelims/elims on Saturday. Maybe that means collapsing the remaining JV/N? Maybe not? Goal is more rounds for whomever remains, not the most "competitive" perfect tournament per se. Whatever works to get students more debates is our goal. We hope to host a finals session of congress during the morning too.
Its acceptable to us to wait to decide to continue to compete on Saturday after Friday results are in. Please register in the Sat events assuming you choose not to advance in LD/PF/Cong.
3 prelims + SF and Finals is our goal. Run same as KSHSAA state. CX finals in both extemps.
The goal is to recognize top novices using the built-in Tabroom feature. If entries warrant, and we have the judges to support it, potentially a novice finals too. No hard commits at this time.
Questions? Feedback? Email me. We are persuadable on many things. But hope the unique feature of being out of school on Friday and being atop KCK NCFL means we will have the space to try something unique, fun, and positive! Potentially helping us out with a little bit of extra judging might go a long way on that front too.