Olathe North Debate Tournament

2024 — Olathe, KS/US

Alert: It has come to our attention that the wifi in Olathe USD 233 is blocking any and all access to dropbox.com.

This includes any updates to the items located on the computer files, as well as accessing the dropbox website and puling files down from the website.

We realize this may present an added burden for teams and want to be upfront with folks to allow you to address what is doable within your team infrastructure.

Your teams machines WILL be able to access what is located on the machine when they arrive, they just WILL NOT be able to update or 'sync' files using dropbox while on the district wifi.

You are welcome to lobby your complaints - but understand we are experiencing this hardship daily and you will only experience it while you are in our building. It is not our staff or our students faults and any disparagement directed at innocent bodies will be result in tournament official involvement.

Thank you
