Hannie Schaft Policy Invitational
2024 — Chula Vista, CA/US
2024 Hannie Schaft Debate Invitational
hosted by Southwestern College
The SWC Debate Team and the School of Arts, Communication & Social Sciences are proud to invite your school to the 2024 Hannie Schaft debate tournament hosted by and at Southwestern College from September 20-22, 2024.
Hannie Schaft was a debater in Holland during WW2 who used her debating prowess to make a difference in the real world fighting the Nazis. At SWC we honor her memory by dedicating our program to her ideals of peace and justice.
Additionally, we dedicate this tournament to Professor Jordan P. Mills. Devoted to the goals of our college and the success of our students, Professor Mills was always helping others and sharing his kind and gracious attitude with everyone he encountered. He profoundly touched the lives of so many of our students and employees and will be greatly missed.
Our in-face tournament will feature 6 preliminary rounds of JV and Open competition and 4 preliminary rounds of Novice as the entry allows. We will follow CEDA format, topic, and bylaws. We are excited to have everyone back in San Diego County!
We have worked to create a Novice friendly format including reduced rounds, speaking times, and a Novice Workshop with the goal of continuing to grow debate for future generations.
We will make every attempt to make the Hannie Schaft one of the most hospitable and friendly tournaments on the competitive schedule. We hope you will join us!
Ryan Wash. Eric Maag and the Southwestern College Debate Team
Registration and debates will occur on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 20-22. You can manage your tournament entries through Tabroom.com until September 18 at 5 p.m. PT.
LOCATION: 900 Otay Lakes Blvd, Chula Vista, CA 91010
FEES: $50 per person in attendance
● Ryan Wash (816)217-1216 or rwash@swccd.edu
● Eric Maag (619) 869-0580 or emaag@swccd.edu
ENTERING THE TOURNAMENT: Entry is on www.tabroom.com . The deadline to enter the tournament is Wednesday September 18th @ 5:00pm PST.
JUDGING Each school is expected to provide qualified judges to accompany their teams. You are responsible for 3 rounds of judging for every one team entered. All judges are committed through the first FULL elimination debate in open or one round past their teams’ elimination, whichever occurs last.
Judges MUST render a decision by marking a loser and a winner of each debate. Only one team can win and only one can lose. Judges not following this will have their ballot changed with a coin toss and have their best team’s record altered by forfeiting a win at the conclusion of prelims.
Open & JV Divisions
· We will be offering Open, Junior Varsity, and novice. There will be 6 preliminary rounds in Open and JV divisions. Please follow the CEDA guidelines for entering your team in the correct division.
· We will break an appropriate number of teams based on number of entries in a the Open and JV division. We will use a 30-point scale, allowing for tenth of a decimal place, and NO TIES between debaters in the same round. We will follow CEDA’s Council of Tournament’s directions for best practices unless otherwise stated within the invite.
· Time limits for Open and JV will be 9‐3‐6 with 10 minutes of prep time per team. We will enforce a decision time of 2:15 for all preliminary debates and 2:30 for elimination debates.
Novice Division
· We will offer 4 preliminary rounds in Novice division all held on Saturday. We will break the top 4 teams based on record and speaker points. Semifinals and Finals will be held on Sunday.
· Friday night we will offer a workshop and walkthrough debate for Novice debaters to help acclimate new debaters.
· Time limits for Novice division will be 6‐3‐4 with 10 minutes of prep time per team. We will enforce a decision time of 2:15 for all preliminary debates and 2:30 for elimination debates.
· Teams from the same school may debate each other if the amount of teams from one school compose more than 40% of the total field. Matchups between teams from the same school will be minimized while balancing the need to create a diverse and educational debate experience for all students.
· The Novice division will not enforce any evidence packet requirements, however all novice teams are encouraged to disclose their Affirmative Case via Open Case list 1 week prior to the tournament. Judges may adjudicate debates about disclosure.
· All norms and procedures not defined in this section will follow CEDA’s Council of Tournament’s directions for best practices.
Anyone recording debates or releasing video of debates without consent to all parties to a debate is prohibited. Upon participant’s approval, debates are open to anyone with a registered Tabroom account.
Teams should be comprised of two debaters from the same school or two debaters, each from a different school. All teams, including hybrids will be allowed to advance to elimination debates and win speaker awards. SWC debaters may participate in the tournament and advance to elimination debates.
Will be run by none other than the one and only Willie Johnson.
The CEDA statement on Sexual Harassment will be upheld. A tournament harassment committee will be appointed to deal with any issues that arise. The tournament and its participants will also adhere to CEDA Bylaws regarding the Statement on Ethical Principle. The tournament will also adhere to the ABAP Bill of Rights.