Walnut Grove TFA Tournament
2024 — Prosper, TX/US
Welcome to the Walnut Grove TFA Tournament hosted at Walnut Grove High School on November 9, 2024. We are so glad you decided to join us for this tournament, and we look forward to all the competition and support.
Things you need to know:
Category A: HI, POE, DUO, OO, USX, IX
Category B: DI, PRO, DA, INFO, IMP, POI
All debate events, with the exception of Congress, may not cross-enter.
Here is a link to the schedule: Tournament Schedule
Congressional Debate:
Congressional Debate students may cross-enter into Category A events. They may only cross-enter in one Category A event.
Congress TFA Fall Docket:
Prelims: 8,9,10
Semis: 11,12,13
Finals: 14,15,16
Extemp Areas
Rd 1- US Foreign Policy
Rd 2- Climate & Environment
Rd 3- Economy
Rd 4- Elections
Rd 1: Asia
Rd 2: Africa and the Middle East
Rd 3: Europe
Rd 4: Triadas
Speech Events:
Students competing in Speech events can cross-enter in up to 3 events in either Category A or B. Students who are competing in either Domestic or International Extemp may only cross-enter into Category A events.
LD Debate:
Resolved: The United States ought to adopt a wealth tax.
PF Debate:
Resolved:The United States should substantially reduce its military support of Taiwan.
Policy Debate:
Topic: Resolved: The United States federal government should significantly strengthen its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks.
Miscellaneous Notes:
Debate brackets will not be broken.
All qualifying events follow TFA rules. PRO/POE will follow TFA rules, but selections that fit either of the UIL categories will also be allowed.
Speech events with fewer than 24 entries: 3 prelims, then finals
Speech events with 24 or more entries: 2 prelims, semis, finals
All competitors must be registered with their schools and accompanied by a school district employee