Bluebonnet World Schools Debate International Tournament 2025
2025 — Spring, TX/US
Grand Oaks High School Spring, TEXAS April 10-12, 2025
IN PERSON! Join us for the 8th annual Bluebonnet World Schools Debate International Tournament in Houston, Texas! The Bluebonnet Tournament will be hosted by Audra Langston-Grand Oaks Debate coach. For years we have drawn the best debaters across the world to the Bluebonnet World Schools Debate Championship. We were the first to introduce the first fully international across all time zones online tournament at the start of the pandemic. We have LOVED being back in person the last few years.
This international tournament will be an experience your team will not want to miss!
Previous Bluebonnet Champions:
2018 Team Mexico
2019 USA Development Team
2020 Team Eton UK
2021 Team Fostering Debate Talent Academy
2022 Team Mexico
2023 Harvard Westlake CA
2024 Mose Bianchi Italy
Team Cap: Member Countries are invited to register up to 5 teams (3-5 debaters, 1 judge perteam, 1 coach per delegation).
Judges and coaches can be the same individual. Judge fees will be charged for not entering a qualified judge. We want the best judge pool this year for our students.
Divisions: Novice (students in their first year or junior high level)
Championship (students have done WSD a while or may be new and want the challenge)
Food: We provide all meals during competition schedule
Rounds: 5 Debate Rounds, quarters; semi-finals and finals.
Format: Debates will be in English in Worlds Schools Debate Format
Motions: ALL ROUNDS IMPROMPTU this year!
Judges: Experienced Worlds Schools graduate debaters and trained judges per delegation.
Training will be mandatory prior to the first round. All delegations have to be accompanied by at
least one person who is over 18 and will be judging at the tournament. Failure to enter a qualified judge will result in an extra fee for us to hire quality judge.
Workshop: Training and workshops will be provided throughout the tournament
CHIEF ADJUDICATORS: Will be international guests
LOCATION: Grand Oaks High School 4800 Riley Fuzzel Road Spring, TX 77386
The Woodlands/Spring, TEXAS
We call it The Woodlands. You can call it home while here for the Bluebonnet!
(Located about 30 minutes north of IAH airport/Houston, TX)
HOTEL INFORMATION email for needs or suggestions in tab right side of page
Tournament Participant Fee - $300/per Championship team and $250 per Novice team
*Fees include entry and meals during the tournament
Teams will be waitlisted until approved by host
THURSDAY optional Workshop fee$30 Intermediate and Advanced clinic/$25 Novice or new to WSD clinic
Bluebonnet T-shirts $20
Thursday, April 10 Clinic-optional and additional cost 9 am -2:30 pm
Round 1
3:00-4:00 prep (judge training)
4:00-5:00 debate
Round 2
6:00-7:00 prep (coaches clinic)
7:00-8:00 debate
Friday, April 11
Round 3
3:00-4:00 prep (coach time with guest trainer/make appointment)
4:00-5:00 debate
Round 4
5:30-6:30 prep (coach time with guest trainer/make appointment)
6:30-7:30 debate
Break party and Texas Cultural Night
(each student bring a team or school t-shirt for exchange)
Saturday, April 12
Round 5
8:00-9:00 prep (coaches coffee chat/collaboration)
9:00-10:00 debate
Break announcement and top speaker awards
10:45-11:45 prep for teams in (Teams out-work on motion with trainers)
11:45-12:45 debate
1:30-2:30 prep
2:30-3:30 debate
4:00-5:00 prep (student workshop for those interested)
5:00-6:00 debate
Awards immediately following!
We will accelerate as time allows