Equality in Forensics Congress Round Robin

2024 — Online, US

On behalf of Equality in Forensics, we invite the top 16 congressional debaters in the nation of the 2023-2024 season to compete in a top-notch online round from 1:00-4:00 p.m. EST July 27th to be used as an accessible educational resource for congressional debate.

So, who's invited?
Instead of an opaque, invite-only policy, we will invite 16 debaters based on specific measurable accomplishments throughout the year:

  • The NSDA champions (in House and Senate)
  • The TOC champion
  • The NCFL champion
  • The Harvard champion
  • The champion of each major (T60 bid tournament)
  • The top 3 ranked by NSDA points in congress
  • The 3 champions of the free Equality in Forensics’ tournaments! (Winter Championship, Spring Break Special, and Season Championship)

Sometimes, multiple accomplishments are held by one debater. Many invitees may not be able to accept their invitation. Thus, we will accept applications to fill any additional spots up to the intended 16 competitors.

A committee of the Equality in Forensics’ Board of Directors will review these applications to admit debaters with a consistent record of excellence throughout the 2023-2024 debate season.

You can apply for the Equality in Forensics congressional debate round robin using this link!

What's up for debate?
Anyone may make legislation submissions for the Round Robin, EXCEPT for the invitees! We want our invitees to debate the bills that the average congressional debater finds compelling. The committee will choose two bills for debate based on these criteria:

  • Debatability
  • Uniqueness
  • Simplicity

We are prioritizing simple bills so that the invitees can focus on displaying perfect fundamentals for educational purposes, instead of being bogged down in minute details.

Any congressional debater is welcome to submit their bill for consideration here.

All final invitees and legislation will be announced on July 14th.

Isn't EIF about making debate accessible to everyone? Why even bother with a round robin?
Great question!

This round robin will be recorded, flowed, and analyzed as an educational reference for aspiring congressional debaters across the nation.

Most congressional debate round robins are opaque, and have few viewers. We want to spotlight the best congressional debaters of the season, so that everyone can see what works.

We will also publish judge ballots for ALL speakers, so you can see what even the best stand to improve in their performance.

The Equality in Forensics Round Robin is proud to be home to both excellence AND equity.


The EIF Round Robin Committee
CJ Getting, Enan Khan, Waleed Haider

Useful links:

Discord server
Instagram: @equalityinforensics