National Speech and Debate Season Opener

2024 — NSDA Campus, KY/US

National Speech and Debate Season Opener Invitation (8.17.2024)

In-Person UK Campus Information (buildings, parking, etc.)

UPDATED (and cleaner)TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE (9.4.2024)

Congress Legislation (also posted to the right)

Tournament Procedures & Best Practices Document (8.17.2024)

Help System

If you have an issue or question, please contact the admin/tab staff for your event using the event emails below and we will get back to you asap. Please do *not* email tournament officials separately – the help emails below are the best means of contact and are routed to the relevant administrators.

Email Subjects

Please use one of the following at the beginning of your email subject line to help us route your inquiry:

Missing Person – If a judge or participant is missing

Tabbing Issue - Ballot issues, problems with pairing, judging issues, etc.

Tech Time – If your round is invoking Tech Time (see Procedures for details), please email the event help and include the time (including time zone) that Tech Time started, and update us when issue is resolved or time elapses.

Tech Issue – If you are having a tech issue, especially if you are having an issue getting to your round, please notify us.

Procedures Issue – Questions or concerns, inquiries about filing a petition with the Ombuds Office about a procedures issue

Community Wellbeing Issue - Questions or concerns, inquiries about filing a petition with the Community Wellbeing & Belonging Office regarding a harassment, discrimination, or bullying incident

Email Content (We strongly suggest copying this as a template into your email)

All emails should include the following information *in the body of the email*:

Your full name

Your school affiliation

Your role (competitor, judge, coach)

Event (including if online or in-person)

Round #

Room #

Contact Phone Number

Issue you are emailing about – Please provide details.

Event Help Email Addresses

Please review instructional information above before submitting:

Congress Tab -

LD Tab -

Policy Tab -

Public Forum Tab -

Speech Tab -