Berkeley International Parliamentary Debate Invitational
2025 — NSDA Campus, CA/US
Topics will be posted both in the livedoc and at the bottom of the schematic for the round.
We are delighted to invite you to the Berkeley International Parliamentary Debate Invitational, our eighth annual tournament. It will be held online on Saturday, February 1, and Sunday, February 2, 2025. For the last three years it has been the largest high school parliamentary tournament of the year, and has hosted teams from six US states, five Canadian provinces, and China! We look forward to once again hosting teams from every part of the parliamentary debate community and to offering an international topic committee!
The tournament will be entirely online. Saturday preliminary rounds will be hosted on NSDA campus, an online platform that requires an account on There are instructional videos for students and judges. Sunday elimination rounds will be on Zoom.
Unless specifically noted, we will follow National Parliamentary Debate League Online Round Rules. American parliamentary debate features two 2-person teams in a round, with twenty minutes prep time. Internet research is allowed during prep time, but once the round starts, the Internet may be used only for communication with other round participants, note taking, and accessing notes prepared during prep time.
Partner prep only.
All rounds in all divisions will follow 788845 speech times. Any grace period is in the discretion of the judge, and should be clarified before the round.
This tournament has been autoapproved for NPDL points.
This tournament is open to high school and middle school (grades 6-8) students.
Both members of a novice team must be in their first year competing in any debate event. A coach may, in their discretion, enter a middle school student in novice if the student is in the second year of competition and has not broken to elimination rounds at a tournament. The JV division is intended for students who are too experienced to qualify for novice (often second-year debaters), but would benefit from competing in a division that does not include the most experienced debaters. Coaches may place any student in the JV and Open divisions at their discretion.
Register on Tabroom. No school fee. The entry fee is $75/team for Novice, $85/team for JV, and $95/team for Open. Adds and drops should be made by January 27, 2025 at 5 pm PST; after that, drops are non-refundable. There will be a nuisance fee of $25 for changes (other than names) after that date, and for any changes within 24 hours of the tournament. Payment must be received by January 27.
Do not mail checks directly to Berkeley High School: they will lose your money. Please follow payment procedures on the invoice.
Fee waivers are available based on need. Please reach out to us via the email in the sidebar to request a waiver.
In order to use the virtual platform on Saturday, competitors and judges must have accounts, which must be linked to their tournament registration. NSDA Campus Instructions can be found in the sidebar.
All schools must be registered with an adult contact/virtual chaperone who can be reached by phone during the tournament.
Students can register to compete in preliminary rounds as mavericks, but cannot break to elimination rounds as mavericks. If a member of a two-person team needs to debate alone for a round or two, that's fine, as long as both members participate in elimination rounds.
One judge covers two teams. The fee is $100 per uncovered entry.
All judges must have Tabroom accounts including mobile phone numbers.
The tournament will follow Judge Conflict rules, which are found in Article XI.7 of the NPDL Legislative Code. If a judge proceeds to judge a round despite a conflict, it may result in a forfeit for the advantaged team.
Judges are obligated to judge through the first full round after the elimination of the last team from their school.
Independent and Hybrid Entries
All entries should be registered under the name of the school they attend, if possible. Hybrids should be registered under both schools. Exceptions will require written permission from the head coach of any affected school. No independent entries are permitted from a school that is entering teams under the school’s name, absent unusual circumstances.
Any exceptions to these policies should be discussed with tournament staff beforehand.
There will be an equity officer at the tournament. Procedures for reporting discrimination or harassment will be announced before the tournament.
Any concerns about any aspect of the tournament can also be directed to tournament staff, before, during, or after the tournament.
Misc. Information
Topics, schedule updates, and other announcements during the tournament will be made through a Google Doc.
Please check regularly, as the schedule may be adjusted as the day progresses.
Feel free to email us using the link in the sidebar with questions and comments.
Thank you,
Berkeley High Speech and Debate