Three Rivers TOC NIETOC at Upper St Clair
2025 — Upper St Clair, PA/US
Welcome back to a live in-person two-day tournament in the Pittsburgh area that will attempt to continue the legacy of high-quality speech & debate competition fostered by the Bethel Park and North Hills invitationals of the past.
If you have any pre-tournament questions or issues, please email Ben Edwards at
USCHS: 1825 McLaughlin Run Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15241 (Speech & Congress)
Ft. Couch Middle School: 515 Ft. Couch Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15241 (Debate)
Teams should go to the High School first to register (unless you only have debate) and then debaters should be transported to Ft. Couch by your team. Speech and Congress will remain at USCHS. Debate judges should go straight to Ft. Couch Middle School.
You will need to provide your own transportation at the beginning of the tournament to both locations on Friday (they are roughly 1mi apart) and on Saturday Morning. The projected schedule should reflect current busing laws. Busing will be provided to USCHS at the end of rounds at Ft. Couch. All break rounds will occur at USCHS.
This tournament is, as always, contingent on District Staffing capabilities and the Upper St. Clair School District will have the final word on holding the tournament and any changes will be announced as early as possible so that an acceptable virtual tournament can be held. Due to the current COVID situation, it is incredibly unlikely that this tournament will be moved online outside of a weather-related catastrophe.
As in the past, there will be a block of rooms available at the Crowne Plaza Pittsburgh South Hotel for our out-of-town competitors. Anyone interested should contact Gretchen Stein individually at 412-347-0351. Rooms for Friday night are $119 if you are tax exempt and $129 if you are not. You can cancel without penalty in this block until the day before.
All events will follow NSDA Rules including debate evidence rules except as indicated below. All events will be run on, so please make sure all students are registered and "linked" before the tournament begins. Double-entries will be permitted in all speech events other than Extemp and capped at two events/competitor. Tiebreakers are done with PHSSL rules in all events. Powering in debate begins in R3. A bracket will be used for debate breaks and R5 in speech will be "snaked". PHSSL rules can be found here: PHSSL RULES
TOC bids are awarded for these events notated with an*
– LD Finals and Gold PF (Finals) & Silver PF(Semis) Debate
– Congressional Debate (Top 6)
–Speech(number of bids pending event size*)
*Bids are awarded based on the actual entries in a given event:
If 24 or fewer competitors enter, the Top Three receive bids.
If 25 to 72 people compete, all Finalists receive bids.
If 73 or more are in an event, all Semifinalists receive bids.
By number of contestants so be sure to take the number of duo entries x 2. We offer bids in DI, DUET, DUO, EXT, HUM, INF, OO, POI.
- 0-19 contestants = FIRST PLACE BID
- 20-34 contestants = FIRST, SECOND & THIRD PLACE BIDS
- 35-50 contestants = FINAL ROUND BIDS
- 51-70 contestants = SEMIFINAL ROUND BIDS
- 71-99 contestants = QUARTERFINAL ROUND BIDS
- 100 + contestants = OCTOFINAL ROUND BIDS
Lincoln-Douglas Debate* - TBA
Public Forum Debate* - TBA
Policy Debate -
Parliamentary Debate - All extemporaneous topics and topic areas. PHSSL Rules.
Congress*: legislation packet will be posted by 2/1 @ 4PM. SuperSession will have separate legislation. Please email Alison McBee ( by 1/31 with legislation from participating teams.
Extemp*: International & US topics will be addressed throughout the tournament
Original Oratory*
Dramatic Interpretation of Literature*
Humorous Interpretation of Literature*
Duo Interpretation of Literature*
Programmed Oral Interp*
Prose* PHSSL Rules
Poetry* PHSSL Rules
Declamation NCFL Rules except all grades are welcome to participate
Friday 2/7
Arrival at both buildings, registration, and welcome 3:30 (USCHS) -4:00pm (Ft. Couch)
Four debate rounds projected to end at 9pm with a dinner break
Three speech rounds projected to end at 9:30 with a dinner break
Two policy/parli debate rounds
One session of Congress
Saturday 2/8
Arrival at both buildings and begin rounds 7:30am-8:00am
Two preliminary debate rounds, then octos, quarters, semis, finals (aiming to be done by 4:00pm)
Two speech prelim rounds followed by quarters (if necessary), semis, and finals (aiming to be done by 4pm)
Two parli/policy prelim rounds, then semis and finals (aiming to be done by 4pm)
One session of Congress followed by a Supersession that will aim to finish at 4pm
Awards at 5pm-ish
*Any changes to the schedule based on numbers will be announced by Wednesday , February 7.
Our hope is to continue to have have some fun activities available for students who have been eliminated/waiting for postings on Saturday. Out of town schools who have fulfilled their judging obligations and want to get on the road can request their awards early.
Judges for hire - If you are looking for a judge or if you are a judge who would like to participate, please email Ben Edwards at
Here is a link to some judging resources that may help you:
Because this is a TOC tournament, we must insist that you provide experienced judges. Judges must be registered and linked on with a valid phone number. Debate judges require a paradigm. Judges are responsible for ALL ROUNDS even if your school is eliminated. The #1 reason this tournament has been delayed in the past is because judges are unavailable to judge later rounds where multiple judges are necessary. If you miss a round, the tournament reserves the right to fine your school$50/round missed.
All debate events - 1 judges per every two entries. Odd numbers require the same number of judges as the next highest even number (ex. 3 debate entries = 2 judges). All debate judges can judge Parliamentary debate. Disclosure will be mandatory in all debates, but there will not be time for oral critiques.
Congress & Speech events – judges in congress could be placed to judge speech
1 judges for 1 to 5 entries. Please inform your Speech/Debate/Congress judges of this grouping. Please identify if you can parli congress or if you prefer to judge Congress on your judge registration.
$10 School Fee
$15/individual competitor
$25/team events (Policy, Parli, PFD, Duo)
$50/round for missed judging assignments
$100/judge for hired judging/day (availability limited)
$250 fine/missing judge. Just hire a judge!
Physical awards of some type will be given to all semi-finalists and finalists in speech and quarterfinalists in debate for events of a certain size. Speech semi-finalists and debate quarterfinalists will be recognized. For smaller events, awards and recognition may be reduced at the discretion of the tournament. Quarterfinalists will only be recognized verbally unless the field is large enough.
Sweepstakes will follow the following guidelines: Speech & debate and small and large school overall will be given.
Weight of different categories will be equalized in the calculation of sweepstakes. The final method will be calculated by a neutral party and an available to anyone who requests it.
There will be separate awards for small and large schools based on the size of the high school population.