Rowdys hats off tournament
2024 — Sunnyvale, TX/US
Sunnyvale High School
Rowdy's Hats Off Tournament
Speech & Debate: UIL
October 4, 2024
Physical and Mailing Address: 222 N. Collins Rd Sunnyvale, TX 75182
School:972-203-4600 Email:
Dear Debate Coaches:
We invite you to join us in a spirited debate competition at the 1st annual Rowdy's Hats Off Tournament. We will host an organized tournament for novice and experienced competitors to hone their skills.
EVENTS: The following events will be offered
- CX Varsity
CX Novice
- Congress (TFA Docket Session 1: 1-10 and Session 2: 11-20)
LD Varsity (Fall UIL)
LD Novice (Fall UIL)
*All competitors will compete in a single division with awards for both novice and experienced competitors.
REGISTRATION: Any questions about registration may be directed to Ryan Stokes at
JUDGING: We ask that you provide a judge for every event in which your school is entered. If you cannot provide a judge then please let us know by Friday, September 27th so that we may secure a replacement. The charge for the replacement judge will be as follows:
Debate/Speech ($150)
For debate, you must have 1 judge for every 4 LD contestants or 2 CX teams, or part thereof and 1 judge for every 6 Congress entries. Judging fees are $150/judge if you do not provide a judge; however, we prefer judges over fees. AT MINIMUM, speech/debate team coaches MUST serve as judges.
CX Entries:$25 per team
LD Entries:$15
Congress: $15
ENTRIES: Each school can enter unlimited entries in each event. If you need to add or delete a contestant’s name from your roster, please do so by editing your entries in TABROOM.
MEDALS: As a unique spin on this early tournament, instead of medals, placing contestants will receive miniature hats. With their placing designated on the hat. Top speaker in each event will receive a top speaker hat. The top team sweepstakes award will be a large Corsair style hat in honor of our mascot Rowdy the Raider.
CONCESSIONS: Concessions offered. Local restaurants are a short drive down Collins to Hwy 80. Coaches’ hospitality provided.
PARKING: Parking is available in the student parking lot connected to the high school.
Thank you and Good Luck!
Ryan Stokes, Speech and Debate
Please mail payment to:
Sunnyvale High School
c/o Ryan Stokes
222 N. Collins Rd
Sunnyvale, Tx 75182