Free Online Congress Scrimmage for Everyone 6 Scholarship
2024 — Online, US
WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT THIS SCRIMMAGE IS PARTNERED BY: Instinct Debate Institute an affordable summer residential debate camp.
Link to the camp:
The champion of the tournament will get a $850 full ride scholarship to the institution's congressional debate camp.
Join our Discord server!
This tournament is available to anyone who wishes to compete in Congressional debate.
Sessions will be every Tuesday from 8 PM EST (JOIN ZOOM 15 MINUTES BEFORE (7:45 PM EST)) to around 9:45 PM EST.
Each scrimmage will have one piece of legislation that will be available on the right-hand side of this tournament.
No judge requirement when signing up, we offer Congress judges who have lots of experience at the national level.
Zoom links will come out in Pairings/Blasts (5-30 minutes before the round)
If you are interested in competing independently, email us at , and we can sign you up through our institution! Make sure you send the email associated with your Tabroom account when registering with us.
Donations are encouraged and optional.
Donations can go here:
To this PayPal address:
To this Venmo address: @Gerald-Ostheimer
On behalf of Equality in Forensics, we invite you to attend our free weekly Congress scrimmage, scheduled to occur on April 9th (Every Tuesday onwards). The objective of Equality in Forensics is to provide free, online debate opportunities to make speech and debate more accessible to high school students across America.Read more about our mission here.
The Weekly Scrimmage will offer these events:
Congressional Debate (CONG)
We will operate on the National Speech & Debate Association (NSDA) standard procedure and rules. Rounds will be held in Zoom rooms.
You can contact Equality in Forensics through our email
Additionally, you can join our community and contact us directly on our Discord server.
We are excited to host this tournament to demonstrate the impact of online speech & debate, exercise our values of accessibility and equality, and display the power of student initiative. See you there!
-Equality in Forensics Board of Directors
Find additional details on the pages to the right under "Pages & Uploads".
Useful links:
Instagram: @equalityinforensics
Facebook: @equalityinforensics