Marlborough 3
Welcome to the Marlborough Middle School and Novice Tournament. This tournament will be hosted in-person.
The middle school divisions are for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who don't normally compete in high school tournaments.
The Novice divisions are for students that compete in High School tournament novice divisions.
If you have questions about which division a student should be entered in, don't hesitate to ask.
LD & PF Schedule (Single-Flighted, Times PST)
9:00 Round 1
10:15 Round 2
11:30 Round 3
1:15 Round 4
2:30 Awards
Policy Schedule (PST)
9:00 Round 1
11:00 Round 2
1:30 Round 3
3:30 Awards
World Schools Schedule (PST)
9:00 Round 1 (Prepared)
10:15 Round 2 (Prepared - Opposite Side)
12:00 Impromptu Announcement
1:00 Round 3 (Impromptu)
2:30 Awards
Where is my Room
Use this handy guide to find your room.
Here is a link to a map of the school.
In LD, we will be using the *January/February topic*: TBD
In PF, we will be using the the February topic: TBD
In Policy, we will be using the topic: TBD
Location and Parking
Our address is Marlborough School, 250 South Rossmore Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90004.
Please enter campus through the gate on 3rd Street. Security will direct you where to park or drop off students.
Saturday Parking
Please adhere to the School’s Conditional Use Permit and agreement with its neighbors by parking on campus, on the west side (adjacent to the School) of Arden Boulevard between Second and Third Streets, or west of the School. Please do not park south or east of Arden Boulevard; this includes the east side of Arden Boulevard.
Thank you for adhering to our parking requirements.
Food Options
Breakfast and Snacks
We will provide breakfast in the morning and snacks throughout the day. We are only able to provide food for students, coaches, and judges. Anyone visiting with your team should arrange their own food for the day, or else there might not be enough for tournament participants.
Participants will be responsible for bringing a packed lunch to the the tournament, or teams can make arrangements to provide food to their competitors by bringing food to the tournament or ordering food to campus.
Water Bottles
PLEASE BRING REFILLABLE WATER BOTTLES TO CAMPUS - Marlborough's plastics policy precludes us from providing bottled water, but there are ample water fountains and bottle filling stations.
Internet Access
Please use the "Guest" network, and log in using the password "guestmustangs".
Debate Style
The students and judges participating in our tournament will generally be from schools that practice a progressive, technical style of debate. In Lincoln-Douglas, this will include policy crossover arguments like plans, counterplans, and disadvantages. If you prefer that your students learn a more traditional, rhetorically-oriented style, attending our tournament may not be the best choice for your team.
We welcome Varsity debaters as judges for the tournament. The expectation is that any parent volunteer judges will be trained by their school's coach prior to judging at the tournament. Untrained parent volunteers do not cover a school's judging obligation. Judges are expected to provide constructive and encouraging oral feedback in every debate, and to disclose the winner of each debate. Judges are expected to make every debate welcoming and be mindful of the age of student competitors. Judges may not use profanity, may not comment on students' appearance, and should give every student positive feedback alongside suggestions for improvement. Inappropriate comments or actions toward students will result in judges being dismissed from the tournament.
Entry Fees
There are two options to pay your entry fees:
1. You may mail a check payable to "Marlborough School" to the following address: Marlborough School, Attn: Adam Torson, 250 South Rossmore Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90004.
2. I can send you a link to pay by credit card. To request that link, please email me at