Tournavelt at Theodore Roosevelt NIETOC
2024 — Des Moines, IA/US
Dear Speech & Debate Colleagues,
You are invited to participate in the annual Tournavelt Speech & Debate Tournament at Roosevelt High School in Des Moines, IA. We are looking forward to providing a quality educational and competitive experience October 18-19. Below you will find all pertinent information concerning this event. Should you have any questions, please let me know (
2024 update: As a result of being designated a National Individual Events Tournament of Champions (NIETOC) bid tournament for 2024-2025 and our pursuit of UK Tournament of Champions (TOC) bids in Public Forum, speech and debate will run concurrently on both Friday and Saturday. We are NOT following the standard Iowa Friday speech/Saturday debate format. We believe this updated format/schedule will provide a greater depth and variety of competition.
Parker Klyn
Director of Forensics
Events Offered
Speech: Humorous Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Program Oral Interpretation, Original Oratory, United States Extemporaneous, International Extemporaneous, Spontaneous Speaking
There will be three preliminary rounds followed by the most appropriate elimination level (likely finals or semifinals).
Roosevelt students may compete in varsity speech in pursuit of NIETOC bids.
Students may enter up to 2 speech events.
Debate: Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas, Policy
There will be six preliminary rounds of Public Forum (all 4-2s break), and five of Lincoln-Douglas and Policy (we will break as many 3-2s as we can pending judging availability).
We plan to offer novice divisions in all debate events. (Note: in the interest of fairness, all novices should be in their first year of high school debate. Students who have competed in debate previously should enter varsity divisions.)
Congress: One session Friday evening followed by a second prelim session Saturday morning. The top speakers will break to a finals chamber on Saturday. Please submit Congress legislation to by Monday, October 14.
The full schedule will be posted on a yellow sidebar page on the right side of your screen.
Extemp draw will start at 4:45pm followed by all speech events starting at 5:15pm. Debate events will start at 5:00pm. Congress will start at 5:00pm.
Extemp draw will start at 8:00am followed by all speech events starting at 8:30am. Debate events will start at 8:30am. Congress will start at 9:00am.
Provide your full judging obligation. We cannot accommodate judge hires/requests and as such cannot guarantee all rounds covered if teams do not bring requisite judging.
One PF/LD/Policy judge = 2 entries
One Speech judge = 5 entries
One Congress judge = 6 entries
Make checks payable to "Roosevelt High School," preferably with "Speech & Debate" as the memo. Feel free to bring them to the tournament or mail them (4419 Center St, Des Moines, IA 50312).
Special Thanks
Tabroom Operator: Lauren Burdt
Equity Ombudsman: Steven Schappaugh
Hospitality Lead: Naura Godar
Rider Forensics Coaches: Cora Lynn Siemonsma, Charlie Timm, Calvin Goldsberry
Rider Forensics President: Ingrid Alg-Liening
Coach Klyn's Mom: Martha Loney