Kansas City Novice and JV Championship

2025 — Kansas City, MO/US

Short version for now:

1. Feb 14-15.

2. Trad MO Schedule. 2 Speech and 2 Debate Friday etc..

3. Nov and JV divisions of everything. We might collapse if necessary. If so, I will label the novice entries as such and attempt to do a novice breakout.

4. PHS Students will likely compete. PLEASE send some of your students who are not competing at conference to come judge so we have some clean judges.

5. R1 will start at 2:30p on Friday. We have a PD day.

6. Goal is a lot of awards for lots of kids. If entries warrant I'm happy to buy big and small school sweeps.

7. Got an idea you want to contribute to make this thing happen? Let me know!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Jamelle & Allie